This Terms and Conditions of Jenius Credit Card (‘Terms and Conditions’) is valid and binding between Jenius Credit Cardholder and PT BANK BTPN (‘Bank’) in the issuance of Jenius Credit Card in the name of Cardholder.  

This Terms and Conditions has been made in accordance to applicable regulations including Bank Indonesia Regulation and Financial Services Authority (OJK) Regulation. 

Terms and Conditions, Interest Calculation Illustration, Fees and Penalties, and Services Information of Jenius Credit Card in detail and in full can be accessed through

1. Definition

1.1. “Bank” is PT BANK BTPN Tbk, a legal entity established under Indonesian law and domiciled in South Jakarta.

1.2. “Fees” are fees that will be charged by Bank to the Cardholder in connection with the Jenius Credit Card account, including Late Payment Fee, Annual Fee and others. For the complete types and amounts of Administration Fees, please visit

1.3. “Interest” is an additional fee that will be charged if the Total Billing is not paid in full before the Due Date or if the Payment is received/booked after the Due Date. For the complete illustration of interest calculation, visit

1.4. “Installment” or “Split Pay” is a fixed amount installment with a specific tenor that is selected by Cardholder, that originates from certain purchases or other transactions, and billed into the monthly Billing Statement.

1.5. “Penalty” is a fee charged to Cardholder for some circumstances such as: Late Payment Penalty, Over Limit Fee, and others. The complete Penalty information is available at

1.6. “Flexi Cash” is Jenius cash loan product for which the product features, and terms and conditions are set and governed in a separate Flexi Cash Terms and Conditions. 

1.7. “Working Day” is the operational day of Indonesian Banking, which is Monday to Friday, except for National Holiday or days that are deemed as Holiday by Bank Indonesia dan/atau Ototritas Jasa Keuangan. 

1.8. “Jenius Credit Card” is a Card-Based Payment Instrument (APMK), which can be used to make payments that arise from a transaction, including to make cash withdrawals, where the card payment obligation is fulfilled first by the Bank and the Cardholder is obliged to make payments to the Bank in a lump sum or installments. The Jenius Credit Card consists of the Main Card (Primary Card, also known as d-Card in the Jenius application), and Supplementary Card, also known as s-Card in the Jenius application.

1.9. “Communication” or “Communications” is every statement, request, instruction, notification, documents, recording or other form of communications (including verbal, written and electronic).

1.10. “Billing Statement” is the request for payment to Cardholder for a billing period to make payment before the Due Date, citing some information such as: transaction list, Total Billing, Minimum Due, and Due Date. 

1.11.Jenius Credit Card Limit” is the number of credit facilities provided by the Bank for Jenius Credit Card accounts, including any changes there from time to time.

1.12. “Spending Limit” is a spending limit for Supplementary Cardholder which is determined by Primary Cardholder. 

1.13. “Single Purchase Limit” is the limit of Jenius Credit Card usage for a single transaction. 

1.14. “Combined Limit” is the credit facility provided by Bank to Cardholder for all Credit Card accounts, including any changes thereto from time to time. 

1.15. “Customer Limit” is the credit facilities sum provided by Bank to Cardholder that can be reallocated between Jenius Credit Cards and Flexi Cash based on applicable conditions, including any changes thereto from time to time.

1.16. “Validity Period” is the period where Cardholder can use Jenius Credit Card to make transaction. 

1.17. “Merchant” is provider of goods or services that accepts payment of transaction using Credit Card and/or Debit Card.

1.18. “Electronic Data Capture (EDC) Machine” is an electronic device used as payment infrastructure for payment using Credit Card and/or Debit Card. 

1.19. “Overlimit” is the use of Jenius Credit Card higher than the Limit and/or Combined Credit Limit.

1.20. “Payment” is every payment transaction for Jenius Credit Card Billing that has been received, booked, and posted in Bank BTPN’s accounting. 

1.21. “Minimum Payment” is the minimum payment due which has to be made by Cardholder before or on the Due Date to avoid Late Penalty and to not impact Cardholder’s collectability status on Financial Services Authority (OJK) Financial Information Services System (SLIK) or other credit bureaus. 

1.22. “Overdue Minimum Payment” is the Minimum Due from the previous month(s) that has not been paid up to the next Billing Cycle Date. 

1.23. “Retail Purchase” is a transaction to obtain goods or services for which the payment is made using Jenius Credit Card. 

1.24. “Notification” is a notification on changes about Jenius Credit Card Terms and Conditions that is conveyed from time to time, together in or separate from the Billing Statement and/or through or other Communications, which become one part and inseparable from this Terms and Conditions. 

1.25. “Cardholder” is: (i) authorized users of the Main Card (Primary Card, also known as d-Card in the Jenius application) as well as the owner of the Jenius Credit Card account or (ii) authorized users of the Supplementary Card, also known as s-Card on the Jenius application) from a Jenius Credit Card appointed and approved by the main Cardholder.

1.26. “Issuer” is Bank or Institution other than Bank that issues Payment Instrument using Card (APMK). For Jenius Credit Card, the issuer is PT BANK BTPN Tbk. 

1.27. “PIN” is a personal identification number for every Cardholder’s account which can be used for all Retail Purchase transaction and/or Cash Advance at ATM. 

1.28. “Principal” is the institution responsible for the management of the payment system and/or network between its members, both as Issuer and/or Acquirer in Payment Instrument Using Card (AMPK) transaction for which the partnership with its members is based on the written agreement.

1.29. “Account” is a Jenius savings account opened independently by the Customer, upon obtaining approval from the Bank. 

1.30. “Due Date” is the date in Billing Statement that is the deadline by which Payment must be made and received effectively (posted) by Bank. 

1.31. “Billing Cycle Date” is the date when Billing Statement is generated and sent to Cardholder.  

1.32. “Posting Date” is the date when a transaction made is posted in Jenius Credit Card system.

1.33. “Transaction Date” is the date when a transaction is made at Merchant or ATM (for Cash Advance transaction)

1.34. “Cash Advance” is cash withdrawal in Rupiah or other currency (if done overseas) using Jenius Credit Card. 

1.35. “Total Billing” is the sum of: (Total Billing on the previous month) + (Retail Purchases, Cash Advance, Fixed Installment, Interest, Penalty, Fee) – (Payment and Credit) +/- Adjustments. 

1.36. “Yay Points” is point that is earned by Cardholder for retail purchases made using Jenius Credit Card which has such a feature. 

2. Card Usage

2.1. Jenius Credit Card is for the use of Cardholder only and may not be transferred to another person(s). Any consequence that arises due to negligence, carelessness, or for any usage or inappropriate usage of Jenius Credit Card by other party or without permission from Cardholder, is deemed fully as Cardholder’s responsibility.

2.2. Jenius Credit Card can only be used for Retail Purchase transaction at Merchants that are part of the Principal’s network, or for Cash Advance transaction at participating ATM network with Administration Fee. According to Bank Indonesia Regulation, Cash Advance at Merchant is not allowed. 

2.3. In case the transaction is via online, then the following rules apply: 2.3.1. If Cardholder uses Jenius Credit Card for online Retail Purchase through website or mobile application, Cardholder agrees that with the input of Jenius Credit Card information by Cardholder on transaction via online is a valid proof that Bank has been instructed to process the transaction using Jenius Credit Card. 

2.3.2. Cardholder is responsible for the usage of Jenius Credit Card owned by Cardholder regardless the party inputting the information is Cardholder or other party authorized by Cardholder and regardless of the circumstances of the transaction.

2.3.3. Bank reserves the right not to process any transaction made through transaction via online if Bank has suspicion on the authenticity of the transaction, or if the transaction is deemed illegal, not prudent to be processed, or other reasons following Bank’s judgement and policy.  

2.4. If Cardholder fails to abide by this Terms and Conditions, or if Cardholder does not fulfill Cardholder’s payment responsibility owed to Bank, Bank reserves the right to: 

2.4.1. Decline all Retail Purchase and Cash Advance transaction made by Cardholder. 

2.4.2. Block all Jenius Credit Card issued under the name of Cardholder including the related Supplementary Card(s) and Jenius Flexi Cash facility, if applicable. 

2.4.3. Request to Cardholder to pay instantly all owed balance on the account including one that is not yet due. 

2.4.4. Not to refund the Annual Fee that has been paid.

2.5. Jenius Credit Card account owned by Cardholder can have impact on the continuation of other credit facility(ies) given by Bank to Cardholder. In case of late payment on Jenius Credit Card, Credit Card and other credit facility(ies) may be blocked, and vice versa. 

2.6. Cardholder can use Jenius Credit Card for the full validity period of the Card. The validity ends on the last day of the month and year stated on Jenius App, except if Bank cancels the card or if Cardholder request to close the card in advance. 

2.7. Jenius Credit Card renewal is done automatically in a period leading to the card expiry date; however, Bank reserves the right not to extend the Jenius Credit Card with its own considerations and Cardholder will still be responsible for the repayment of outstanding bill on Jenius Credit Card at the latest by the Due Date. 

2.8. Cardholder is entitled to any facilities, features and other benefits provided by the Bank which will be notified to the Cardholder from time to time in a written notification and/or in other communication media.

3. Contactless Feature

3.1. Contactless Feature is a card feature where Jenius Credit Cardholder with contactless symbol can perform transaction without having to insert the card into EDC machine and without entering PIN, where customer cannot turn off this feature. To do contactless transaction, Cardholder must carry and tap the card to Contactless EDC machine. 

3.2. To use the contactless transaction feature without a PIN domestically, the permitted transaction amount is <Rp1.000.000,-. For transactions ≥Rp1.000.000,- Jenius Credit Cardholder are required to enter their PIN

3.3. If the Cardholder uses the Jenius Credit Card for Shopping with the Contactless feature, the Cardholder agrees that the Jenius Credit Card data information by the Cardholder using the Contactless feature is valid evidence that the Bank has been given instructions to process the Purchase using the Jenius Credit Card.

3.4. Against the losses suffered by the Cardholder due to the use of the Jenius Credit Card, the Cardholder will release the Bank from any claims and/or lawsuits and/or disputes and/or liability for the use of the Jenius Credit Card by using the Contactless feature.

4. Recurring Bills Transaction

4.1. Cardholder can register Jenius Credit card to other party using the Credit Card number and card expiry date. This is referred as Recurring Payment Instruction. 

4.2. If Cardholder gives Recurring Payment instruction to Merchant or service provider, Cardholder must contact Merchant or service provider to cancel the Recurring Payment Instruction. We suggest that you do the cancellation at the latest 15 (fifteen) working days prior to the next charging date. If there is no cancellation request, merchant has the right to bill to the registered Credit Card and Bank has the right to process the instruction. 

4.3. When cancelled, Cardholder is responsible for the recurring payment that has been cancelled. 

4.4. Please keep the proof of change or cancellation of the Recurring Payment Instruction. Cardholder can inquire to merchant or service provider if there is any inappropriate charging. 

4.5. If there are any changes on the Credit Card such as change of card number due to lost card, Cardholder must contact merchant or service provider to cancel the Recurring Payment Instruction or to update the card detail to the new Jenius Credit Card. If Cardholder does not cancel or update the card detail, Cardholder is giving power to Bank to do the following: 

4.5.1. Provide a new Jenius Credit Card number to update instructions; or

4.5.2. Apply the Routine Payment Instruction to the new card details and thus the Routine Payment Instruction can be continued to the new card unless the Cardholder notifies the Bank to stop the instruction.

4.6. Before doing Recurring Payment Instruction, Cardholder must ensure Limit availability for the related card. If the limit is insufficient, the recurring payment transaction can, but not must, be posted and billed according to prevailing regulation, including if the transaction causes Overlimit status which will result in the relevant penalty. 

4.7. Bank reserves the right to cancel all Recurring Payment Instruction if there is any dispute between Cardholder and Merchant or service provider. 

5. Personal Identification Number (PIN) and One-Time Password (OTP)

5.1. Cardholder must create PIN as part of Jenius Credit Card activation process through Jenius App. Cardholder can change PIN for Jenius Credit Card using Jenius App. PIN is valid independently for each Jenius Credit Card, namely Main Card and each Supplementary Card(s).

5.2. Cardholder must keep secret the PIN and must not inform it to any other party in any way or method. Any consequence that arises due to negligence or carelessness or for any misuse or inappropriate use of PIN by other party with or without permission from Cardholder is deemed as fully Cardholder’s responsibility. 

5.3. For transaction at some e-commerce, the payment process will ask Cardholder to enter OTP on the payment page. Cardholder must keep secret the OTP and must not inform it to any other party in any way or method. Any consequence that arises due to negligence or carelessness or for any misuse or inappropriate use of PIN by other party with or without permission from Cardholder is deemed as fully Cardholder’s responsibility.

6. Yay Points

6.1. Cardholders will get Yay Points for shopping transactions using the Jenius Credit Card.

6.2. Cash Advance transaction does not earn Yay Points.

6.3. If the transaction is refunded, the Yay Points that have been earned will be taken back by the Bank

6.4. Yay Points can be redeemed for prizes according to Yay Points prize catalog on Jenius App. Yay Points redemption can only be done through Jenius App.

6.5. If not used, Yay Points will expire in 24 months since the Yay Points is issued.

6.6. Bank reserves the right to change, add, reduce, and stop the Yay Points program, for points earning or redemption, with prior notification to Cardholder.  

6.7. Bank reserves the right to deny Yay Points redemption in case of Cardholder in violation of this Terms and Conditions, or Cardholder has ended/closed the respective Jenius Credit Card or in delinquent status, or under risk mitigation program or payment restructuring program and other similar program. 

7. Limit

7.1. Bank reserves the right to determine Limit, and the right to change or cancel Limit at any time based on Bank’s policy, including if credit quality of Cardholder at Bank’s system or Financial Services Authority (OJK) Financial Information Services System (SLIK) deteriorates. 

7.2. Bank fully reserves the right to accept or decline Jenius Credit Card transaction whose usage has or will cause overage of Limit that has been set. In the case where Bank accepts Jenius Credit Card transaction that causes overage of the Limit or Credit Card Limit, Bank will assess applicable Penalty.

7.3. Cardholder at any time has the right to request for permanent or temporary Limit increase to Bank. Bank has the right to approve or decline such request. For further information regarding Limit increase request, please contact Jenius Help or Jenius Service Point. 

7.4. Jenius Credit Card Limit can be reallocated to Jenius Flexi Cash Limit (and vice versa), according to cardholder needs, through Jenius App with the following rules:

a. The limit selected cannot be lower than IDR 2,000,000 for Credit Card and IDR 500,000 for Flexi Cash.

b. The limit selected cannot be lower than the limit usage of each product.

c. The maximum Credit Card limit cannot exceed three times the monthly income. (for users with an approximate income of IDR 3,000,000 – IDR 10,000,000 per month)..

d. Limit reallocation is only permitted if Flexi Cash and Credit Card are “Active” with a “current” credit performance and within normal status. (not in an overlimit state, not being investigated for fraud, not within a temporary limit increase, etc.).

e. Limit reallocation is only permitted 30 calendar days after the last limit reallocation.

f. Limit reallocation cannot be completed within the last three calendar days of the month.

g. Only multiples of IDR 500,000 can be used for limit reallocation.

8. Billing and Payment

8.1. Every month Bank will issue and send Billing Statement to email address registered in Jenius App, and this Billing Statement can also be downloaded through Jenius App. 

8.2. Cardholder must make Payment at least for the amount of Minimum Due before the Due Date to keep Jenius Credit Card in Current status.

8.3. If the due date falls on a holiday, the due date will be shifted to the next working day.

8.4. Minimum Payment

8.4.1. If the Total Bill is > IDR 50,000, then the Minimum Payment Calculation is whichever is greater between: 

      • • Amount of (Minimum Payment Percentage according to Applicable Regulations x Total Bills – Fixed Installments) + Fixed Installments + Minimum Payments in Arrears OR
      • • IDR 50.000,- + Minimum Payment in Arrears

8.4.2. If the Total Billing Amount is < 50,000, the Minimum Payment is the same as the Total Billing. 

The Minimum Payment Arrears is the part of the previous month’s Minimum Payment that has not been paid until the printing date of the Billing Statement of the following month.

8.5. Interest will be charged when: 

8.5.1. Payment made is less than full payment of Total Billing Amount

8.5.2. Payment received after Due Date

8.5.3. All Cash Advance Transaction 

8.6. Interest is calculated based on Posting Date

8.7. In accordance to prevailing regulation, Stamp Duty is assessed for payment made as follow: 

8.7.1. Payment <= 5.000.000,- IDR is exempt from Stamp Duty

8.7.2. Payment > 5.000.000,- IDR (accumulated payment per billing period), is subject to Stamp Duty of 10.000,- IDR.

8.8. Late Payment Penalty is assessed if Payment is received and posted after the Due Date or received before the Due Date but less than Minimum Payment.

8.9. Payment received will be allocated in the following order: 

8.9.1. First, Fee, and Penalty

8.9.2. Second, the remaining Payment at minimum 60% (sixty percent) for the fulfillment of the main obligations of the transaction; and 

8.9.3. Third, Interest.

8.10. All amount owed by Cardholder to Bank will be billed and become the responsibility of Cardholder and/or his/her Warrantor, Guarantor, Curator, Trustee, or Beneficiary, in the case Cardholder is warranted, guaranteed, bankrupt, in trusteeship or deceased, in observance of prevailing regulation. 

8.11. Retail Purchase and/or Cash Advance in foreign currency will be billed in Rupiah. Exchange rate charged to Cardholder is the exchange rate determined by Visa International / MasterCard International/other Principal and exchange rate determined by Bank. Cardholder agree to accept the risk if there is a difference in exchange rate in the case of refund and/or cancellation of transaction in foreign currency. Exchange rate is determined based on Posting Date, not Transaction Date. 

8.12. Jenius Credit Card Payment can be done by:

8.12.1. Payment Menu of Jenius Credit Card on Jenius App

8.12.2. Bank BTPN ATMs

8.12.3. Transfer from other bank

8.13. Cardholders can also register to make Auto-Debit payments on the Jenius application, where the Jenius Cardholder account will be immediately deducted on the Jenius Credit Card Due date, according to the amount chosen by the Cardholder (Minimum Payment or Full Payment). In the event that the balance in the Jenius account is insufficient, the Bank will:

8.13.1. Debit for the amount available in the Jenius Account

8.13.2. Retry the debit for 5 consecutive days until the minimum payment is fulfilled.

8.13.3. Make a debit at 17:00 WIB. The customer must ensure the availability of funds so that the debit can be carried out successfully.

8.14. If the source of payment is from banking account under the name of other than Primary Cardholder, Bank reserves the right to request and verify the identity of the account owner to the Cardholder and to block the Jenius Credit Card (if necessary) in relation to anti-money laundering and terrorist financing prevention. 

9. Collectibility Status

9.1. Collectability “Current” is the condition of Jenius Credit Card that is paid for the amount that meets or exceeds the Minimum Payment on or before the Due Date. 

9.2. Collectability “Special Mention” is the condition of Jenius Credit Card that has not been paid between 1-90 calendar days after the Due Date. 

9.3. Collectability “Substandard” is the condition of Jenius Credit Card that has not been paid between 91-120 calendar days after the Due Date.

9.4. Collectability “Doubtful” is the condition of Jenius Credit Card that has not been paid between 121-180 calendar days after the Due Date, or Bank at any time finds indication that Cardholder does not have good intention to make payment for Jenius Credit Card.

9.5. Collectability “Bad” is the condition of Jenius Credit Card that has not been paid more than 180 calendar days after the Due Date, or Bank at any time finds indication that Cardholder does not have good intention to make payment for Jenius Credit Card. 

9.6. If Jenius Credit Card in collectability status of other then “Current”, Bank will 1) charge Penalty and Interest 2) do collection effort to Cardholder 3) perform Jenius Credit Card blocking 4) Bill all overdue Jenius Credit Card balance, including unbilled and/or not yet paid in full. 

9.7. If any, Remaining Principle of Fixed Installment will be billed all at once on Billing Statement if Cardholder is delinquent for more than 60 calendar days after the Due Date. 

9.8. Bank has the right to set collectability status of Cardholder based on Bank’s assessment towards all credit facility owned by Cardholder to then be informed to related parties. 

10. Rights and Responsibilities of Cardholder

10.1. Rights of Cardholder

10.1.1. Cardholder, in accordance to Cardholder eligbility determined by Bank, has the right to facility, feature, and benefit of Jenius Credit Card that are provided by Bank, and will be informed to Cardholder from time to time in written notification and/or in other communication media.

10.1.2. Cardholder has the right to request to copy of sales draft for the usage of Jenius Credit Card for every Retail Purchase or Cash Advance transaction in 45 (forty-five) days since the Billing Cycle Date that records that transaction, subject to Administration Fee.

10.1.3. Cardholder has the right to request transaction summary in form of softcopy for the last 1 (one) year, subject to Administration Fee. 

10.2. Responsibilities of Cardholder:

10.2.1. Cardholder is responsible to make Payment in accordance to clauses on Billing and Payment, or as otherwise determined by Bank in written notification. 

10.2.2. Cardholder is responsible to ensure the usage of Jenius Credit Card to not exceed the Credit Limit and/or Combined Limit. 

10.2.3. Cardholder is responsible for all transactions that are processed with Jenius Credit Card, except in the case of criminal act of card forgery or in the case of lost/stolen Jenius Credit Card that has been reported to Bank according to the procedure that has been set. 

11. Rights and Responsibilities of Bank

11.1. The use of information

11.1.1. Bank has the right to request, verify, use, and store information and copy of identity documents of every Cardholder, in relation to credit analysis, fraud analysis, prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, or in conjunction to providing service to Cardholder.

11.2. Information disclosure and data update.

11.2.1. In accordance to applicable to law and regulation, Bank has the right to disclose Cardholder’s personal information, transaction and collectability status to: 

a) Other Credit Card Issuer institution or to central information management that is organized by Financial Services Authority (OJK) or other similar credit bureau. In this, the central information management organized by Financial Services Authority (OJK) or similar credit bureau is allowed to have Cardholder’s personal information, transaction, and collectability status. 

b) Other party, domestic or overseas, which includes: i. authoritative agencies such as tax agency, court of law, or other party with authorization ii. Other party as an outsource of bank’s function in which case the Cardholder can be contacted by that party in relation to Jenius Credit Card process. iii. Main Office, Branch, Bank’s affiliates, Bank’s subsidiary, including employee, director, and official or agency that has been given authority by Bank.

11.2.2. Bank has the right to contact and/or disclose information and request for information from third party that are registered in Bank’s internal system and/or other third party that represents Cardholder or acts as the guarantor of Cardholder, and/or social media and/or other official information source to meet obligation towards Bank in doing data update of Cardholder in accordance to applicable law and regulation. Cardholder agree that the address recorded in Bank’s administrative system and/or that is obtained in doing Cardholder data update becomes Cardholders billing address. In the case of overdue Jenius Credit Card billing that has not been paid, Bank reserves the right to use that billing address to do collection effort and/or other communication needs. 

11.3. Bank reserves the right to keep record of transactions on Jenius Credit Card and Cardholder agrees that the record in Bank’s system is valid and binding to Cardholder for all purposes in relation to the administration of Jenius Credit Card.

11.4. Bank reserves the right to at any time block Jenius Credit Card in cases such as: 

11.4.1. Cardholder: 

• violates this Terms and Conditions and/or Bank’s other regulation;

• has indication to have been involved in criminal activity and/or suspicious transaction and/or perform Cash Withdrawal at Merchant;

• is in trusteeship, under the postponement of obligation to pay debt (PKPU), and/or bankrupt;

• is under asset seizure;

• is deceased, that the obligation has to be settled by the beneficiary;

• has declared to end and/or close Jenius Credit Card;

• has given information, data, or document that are incorrect, illegal, or false;

• has reported lost/damaged Jenius Credit Card verbally or written to Bank, and Bank has received such report; 

• has performed transaction or action that detrimental to Bank.

11.4.2. Bank must follow direction from government’s agency or institution, or court of law authority; or

11.4.3. To follow Bank’s internal policy

11.5. Cardholder gives approval to the Bank to transfer all or part of the rights arising in connection with the provision of Credit Facilities based on these Terms and Conditions (including any amendments) to another third party. Upon such transfer, the Bank will notify the Cardholder. If there is a transfer of said rights, the Card Holder will receive the same benefits as previously provided by the Bank based on these Terms and Conditions and the Card Holder hereby agrees that the recipient of the transfer of rights in question will also receive the same benefits as those given to the Bank based on the Terms and these Terms. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Cardholder agrees not to transfer any or all of his rights and obligations under the Agreement to any other third party without prior written approval from the Bank.

11.6. In order to comply with the precautionary principle and the application of credit risk management, the Bank has the right to transfer and/or debit and use funds in an account in the name of the Main Cardholder at any branch of the Bank at any time, for the settlement of overdue Jenius Credit Card bill with notification.

11.7. Bank reserves the right to, at any time, transfer to any third party all Bank’s rights in relation to Jenius Credit Card collection with written notification to respective Cardholder. 

11.8. Bank reserves the right to close/end Jenius Credit Card with written notification to Cardholder, if according to data recorded in Bank’s system in the last 24 months there is no Retail Purchase, or Cash Advance from ATM, or Payment to Cardholder’s Jenius Credit Card. 

11.9. Bank reserves the right to change all and/or every feature that is embedded to all and/or each type of Jenius Credit Card in accordance to business development. This change can happen at any time according to Bank’s policy and will be reviewed periodically, with the conveyance of written notification. 

12. Lost or Stolen Jenius Credit Card

12.1. Card that is broken, lost, or stolen during the card validity period can be requested to be replaced by Bank. Cardholder will be charged Fee for the card replacement for the amount set by Bank, but Bank, with its own judgement, reserves the right not to issue a replacement card that has been reported lost/stolen, including for reason Cardholder is in delinquency for more than 30 (thirty) Days Past Due since the Billing Cycle Date.

12.2. If there a card is lost or stolen, Cardholder must at once perform card blocking on Jenius App. If Cardholder cannot access Jenius App, Cardholder can report the lost and stolen card to Bank through Jenius Help service or Jenius Service Point, and upon the acceptance of such report, Bank will immediately perform card blocking on Jenius Credit Card. 

12.3. Cardholder has the obligation and is fully responsible for every loss that incurs, including the billing of Retail Purchase and/or Cash Advance and/or Jenius Credit Card misuse that happens due to lost/stolen Jenius Credit Card, including the main card and supplementary card, before the card blocking in Jenius App, or Lost/Stolen Card report through Jenius Help and Jenius Service point is made. 

12.4. Cardholder agrees and willing to be held responsible for all transaction using Jenius Credit Card where the verification is performed towards the validity of Cardholder’s PIN. 

12.5. Bank has the right not to issue a replacement card in the event that the Cardholder is in arrears for Payment of Total Bills. The Cardholder agrees to pay the outstanding Total Billing balance before a replacement card can be issued.

13. Ending/Closure and Blocking of Jenius Credit Card

13.1. Cardholder has the right to request to end/close Jenius Credit Card by submitting the request through Jenius Help service. 

13.2. Bank will perform the blocking of Jenius Credit Card since the receipt of request of Jenius Credit Card Ending/Closure by Cardholder. Jenius Credit Card is ended/closed after all obligation, including ones already posted or not yet posted, has been paid by Cardholder. In case of obligation that has not yet been posted that the time of Jenius Credit Card ending/closure due to late transaction posting by Merchant, Bank reserves the right to do collection effort in accordance to Visa International/MasterCard International/Other principal(s) regulation, and Cardholder is responsible to pay off that obligation. After all obligation has been paid by Cardholder, Bank will process the ending/closure of Jenius Credit Card in maximum 3 (three) working days. The ending/closure of Jenius Credit Card will automatically end/close also all supplementary card(s), if any. Annual Fee that has been paid will not be returned to Cardholder. 

13.3. Bank will return the credit balance, if any, on Jenius Credit Card, at the time of Jenius Credit Card ending/closure to Cardholder’s Jenius Active Balance. 

13.4. Bank has the right to block the use of the Jenius Credit Card by the Cardholder if, according to the Bank’s consideration, the Cardholder has used the Jenius Credit Card in violation of the provisions in these Terms and Conditions and/or the applicable laws and regulations and/or takes action and / or transactions that may harm the Bank. The Bank also has the right not to extend a Jenius Credit Card that has not or whose Validity Period has expired in accordance with the Bank’s considerations and policies with due observance of the prevailing laws and regulations. The Bank is not obliged to provide reasons for blocking or not extending the Jenius Credit Card Validity Period to the Cardholder. Cardholders are still required to carry out Payment obligations in accordance with the provisions of Article 8. Billing and Payments.

13.5. In the case of ending/closure and blocking of Jenius Credit Card, Cardholder must pay all remaining balance, including the ones already due or not yet due, and also must destroy Jenius Credit Card that has been ended/closed. In case Cardholder has not yet pay off all remaining balance in the time window that has been agreed, Cardholder agrees that the ending/closure of Jenius Credit Card is cancelled, and the Terms and Conditions of Jenius Credit Card is still valid for Cardholder.

13.6. Cardholder with this gives irrevocable power to Bank, at any time, to debit and use and/or end/close and/or block Jenius Credit Card and/or transfer from Cardholder’s funding account with notification, for the payment or all Cardholder’s obligation in conjunction with Jenius Credit Card. The power to debit and use and/or end/close and block ends when Jenius Credit Card has been ended/closed and blocked and no more obligation from Cardholder to Bank that still have to be fulfilled. Cardholder, with this, sets aside Section 1813 and Section 1816 of the Indonesia Civil Code regarding the ending of power of authority and establishment of new power of authority.

13.7. Cardholder with this declare to be fully free from any charge and/or litigation in any form from any third party in relation to the charging and usage and/or ending/closure and blocking of Jenius Credit Card. Cardholder, with this, binds himself/herself and promises to fully cooperate with Bank and/or helps if and when Bank executes any actions stated above, and promises not to perform any act to limit or diminish Bank’s rights based on this Terms and Conditions. 

14. Complaint and Dispute

14.1. Cardholder can file complaint or dispute for anything regarding Jenius Credit Card in writing or verbally through Jenius Help or Jenius Service Point. Cardholder must cite or mention Jenius Credit Card number as reference number for every complaint and dispute submitted to Bank.

14.2. Complaint or dispute for items listed on Billing Statement, including request for transaction correction (transaction dispute), request for waiver of Interest, Penalty, and/or Fee, can be filed by Cardholder at the latest 30 (thirty) calendar days since the Billing Cycle Date. Complaint and dispute that are filed after 30 (thirty) calendar days become the responsibility of Cardholder fully. Before decision is made on the complaint, dispute or waiver request, Cardholder must at least make the Minimum Payment before the Due Date. Bank reserves the right to approve or decline Cardholder’s request/proposal at the latest in 45 (forty-five) Working Days since the request/dispute is filed, in accordance with Bank’s policy.

14.3. In the case Cardholder file complaint or dispute in writing, the complaint or dispute must include copy of personal identity and other supporting document(s). In case Cardholder file the complaint or dispute verbally, Bank will resolve it in 5 (five) Working Days. But if the verbal complaint or dispute cannot be resolved in that period, Bank will ask Cardholder or the valid legal representative to file a written complaint or dispute along with the supporting documents. Written complaint will be resolved at the latest 20 (twenty) Working Days since the receipt date of the written complaint and can be extended for another 20 (twenty) Working Days with written notification to Cardholder or his/her legal representative. 

14.4. Cardholder promises, at his/her own expense, to resolve every dispute with Merchant if there is any dispute regarding the goods and services provided by Merchant, and Cardholder releases Bank fully from responsibility on the goods or services provided by Merchant, or due to Merchant’s objection to return or refund the Jenius Credit Card Purchase amount to Cardholder’s account. This does not exempt Cardholder’s obligation to make Payment.

14.5. Cardholder agrees that any dispute or difference of opinion arising from and/or relating to the implementation of these Terms and Conditions between the Cardholder and the Bank will be resolved by means of deliberation.

14.6. Any dispute or difference of opinion that cannot be resolved through deliberation between the Card Holder and the Bank, will be resolved through an Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution listed in the List of Alternative Dispute Resolution Institutions determined by the Financial Services Authority.

14.7. Any dispute or difference of opinion that cannot be resolved either through deliberation, and/or mediation as referred to above, will be resolved through the South Jakarta District Court, without prejudice to the Bank’s right to file a lawsuit or claim through another District Court within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

14.8. Cardholder is obligated to pay all expenses to Bank, including for advocate or lawyer that are spent with objective to request and/or demand the recovery of every billing that are due from a Jenius Credit Card. Bank can charge the cost of advocate or lawyer to Cardholder, except if the dispute is due to Bank’s error or negligence. 

14.9. Bank can refuse to receive complaint if (i) Cardholder and/or Cardholder’s representative has not complete document requirements in a time period that has been set, (ii) the Complaint has been resolved by Bank in accordance to Financial Services Authority (OJK) regulation, (iii) the Complaint is not related with material loss and/or potential loss, reasonable and direct as stated in agreement and/or financial transaction document and/or (iv) the Complaint is not related to financial transaction issued by Bank. 

15. Language

In case this Term and Condition is available in English, the English version is deemed as translation only and should any discrepancy occur in the interpretation between the Bahasa Indonesia text and the English text, the prevailing text is Bahasa Indonesia.

16. Prevailing Law

This Term and Condition is made and executed based on laws and regulations that are applicable in the Republic of Indonesia.

17. Notification of Data Update

17.1. Cardholder must inform Bank for every change such as residential address, office address, phone number, occupation, industry, or other data related to Cardholder’s personal information, including if Cardholder decides to reside outside of Indonesia. In the case Cardholder does not inform Bank of the things mentioned above, then the previous data recorded in Bank’s database is valid and binding for all purpose in relation to Jenius Credit Card. 

17.2. If there is any loss or fraud due to Cardholder’s negligence to inform Bank of such data mentioned in 17.1 above, the loss will be deemed as fully Cardholder’s responsibility. 

18. Communication

18.1. Cardholder agrees that Bank can send Communication related to credit card products and services in any form to Cardholder through Jenius App, or through email address or phone number/cell phone of Cardholder that are registered to Bank, or to last known address of Cardholder registered at Bank (including residential address or occupation address).

18.2. In case of change of Cardholder’s address, change of Cardholder’s email, and/or change Cardholder’s phone/cell phone number without prior notification by Cardholder, Bank is not responsible if the Communication sent is not received by Cardholder for the reason above. Therefore, Cardholder must always update his/her data and inform Bank when there is any change(s). 

18.3. Cardholders agree that any Communication given or needed to be conveyed to Cardholder from Bank, including the delegation of authority by Cardholder to Bank (not mandatory) can be done through: 

    • a. Jenius App
    • b. Phone or Jenius Help Service
    • c. Electronic Media
    • d. (Jenius Website)

18.4. In case Communication is conducted through phone or Jenius Help service, Cardholder agrees that Bank will record the conversation between Cardholder and Bank.

18.5. Cardholder may do Communication through his/her choice of communication media and responsible for all cost and expenditure that incur in relation to the Communication made. 

18.6. To increase transaction security of Cardholder, Bank will send transaction alert for transactions made by Cardholder. 

19. Revision of Terms and Conditions

19.1. Cardholder acknowledges, understand and agrees that Bank, from time to time, based on Bank’s initiative, can revise and amend Jenius Credit Card Terms and Conditions with written notification, including the terms, type and amount of fees and penalties, and/or other things in this Terms and Conditions and/or in written notification and/or in Billing Statement, by providing written notification or announcement at the latest 30 (thirty) working days before the change is effective on the date as stated by Bank, except in the case of following applicable law and regulations.

19.2. In the case where the Cardholder does not agree with the change, the Cardholder concerned may submit a statement of his objection to the Bank. In the event that the Cardholder who expresses objection states that he voluntarily terminates/closes the Jenius Credit Card on behalf of the Cardholder, the Bank will terminate/close the Jenius Credit Card on behalf of the Cardholder and the Cardholder must previously settle the entire amount owed by him to the Bank.

19.3. If after the effective date of the revision as stated in the notification is delivered and/or announced by Bank, Cardholder does not file an objection and continues to use Jenius Credit Card after the revision is effective, Cardholder hereby stating his/her agreement for the abovementioned change and hereby stating to abide to all the changes without exception. 

19.4. Every revision, improvement, or addition of this Term and Condition is considered as one unity and as an inseparable part from this Terms and Conditions. 

20. Other Terms

20.1. Credit Balance owned by Cardholder can be returned based on Cardholder’s initiative and Bank’s Initiative. In the case of Ending/Closure of Jenius Credit Card, if there is credit balance, Bank will return the Credit Balance to Cardholder’s Jenius Account. Jenius Credit Card account is not a product designed and intended to store fund with the existence of Credit Balance or Excess Payment. Jenius Cardholder may not purposefully make payment that causes Jenius Credit Card account to be in Credit Balance or Excess Payment status. If Bank receive payment in excess of the amount due on Jenius Credit Card account, or in a condition where Jenius Credit Card account involuntarily become in Credit Balance status, for example, in the case of refund of a transaction, Cardholder is obligated to contact Bank to file for Credit Balance return to Cardholder’s Jenius Account. 

PT. BANK BTPN Tbk is banking institution registered and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Jenius Credit Card Terms and Conditions have been adjusted to the law and regulations including the Financial Services Authority (OJK) regulations.

Product Name: Maxi Saver Jenius Term Deposit

Issuer Name: PT Bank BTPN Tbk

Main feature:

Fulfilling needs related to time deposits, such as:

– Deposits with flexible tenors or locking times

– Flower options adjusted to the number of placements. With bigger flowers with bigger placement

– Various extension methods and can be changed according to user wishes

– Deposits that can be withdrawn at any time and without additional fees

– Information on transactions for making, disbursing and crediting deposit interest in In & Out, e-Statement and e-SPT


Makes it easier for customers to achieve their intended financial targets as well as an alternative savings account with higher interest compared to other accounts at Jenius.


– Changes in interest at any time according to Bank regulations

– The LPS guarantee only applies if the placement complies with the conditions determined by the LPS.

Requirements and procedures:

– All Jenius users who have activated their main Jenius account can open Maxi Saver deposits via the Jenius Application

– Minimum principal placement value of Rp. 10,000,000

– Minimum locking time is 1 month

– Lock time options from 1 to 12 months

Fees may change at any time in accordance with Bank policy without the Customer’s approval, where such changes will be informed by the Bank no later than 30 (thirty) Working Days before the change becomes effective. Information regarding Maxi Saver deposit fees and limits is available on the website 

Version: 1.0.0
Last updated: 29 December 2023

  1. To open a Maxi Saver, the customer must have an active Jenius account as a source of funds for debiting the Maxi Saver placement.
  2. Customers will receive proof of placement of Maxi Saver funds in the form of electronic advice (e-advis) which can be accessed in the Jenius application.
    1. This evidence is proof of ownership of Maxi Saver
    2. This proof of placement and ownership cannot be guaranteed or pledged to any party.
  3. All customer funds placed with PT Bank BTPN Tbk (Bank) that exceed the maximum deposit value and/or interest rate guaranteed by LPS or do not meet other requirements which may cause the funds placed to be excluded from the LPS guarantee program, based on the Law. Laws, LPS Regulations and/or regulations that already exist or will exist in the future, then all risks that arise are the Customer’s full responsibility.
  4. Maxi Saver Extension
    1. For Maxi Savers that have matured and are not extended, the Bank will not calculate interest on the placement.
    2. Customers can extend both principal and principal plus interest, according to the customer’s instructions on the Jenius application.
  5. Maxi Saver interest rate
    1. The interest rate provided is in accordance with the provisions applicable to the Bank and may change from time to time with or without prior notification.
    2. Maxi Saver interest will be paid at maturity after deducting income tax in accordance with applicable taxation and statutory provisions.
    3. Maxi Saver interest will be calculated based on interest days (365 days).
  6. Customers can only withdraw Maxi Saver at maturity or other dates in accordance with applicable Jenius and/or Bank provisions and procedures.
  7. If the Customer withdraws Maxi Saver on another date before maturity (early termination), then only funds placed at opening will be paid.
  8. The early termination process cannot be carried out on:
    1. Same day as opening date.
    2. (two) working days before the due date.
  9. Maxi Saver which is opened with instructions or automatic renewal conditions via the Jenius application can be changed by the customer’s disbursement conditions via the Jenius application, in accordance with the applicable Jenius and/or Bank terms and conditions.
  10. Customers can change instructions or conditions for automatic renewal a maximum of 5 (five) times per Maxi Saver starting from 1 (one) day after the opening date to 2 (two) working days before the due date.
  11. By opening a Maxi Saver, the Customer has given approval to Jenius and/or the Bank to use the information/data contained in the Jenius Account as proof of approval for the opening, placement and transactions of the Maxi Saver.
  12. Only with approval from Jenius and/or the Bank can funds from Maxi Saver disbursement be paid to a non-funding account/current account at the Bank or according to the Customer’s instructions by following the applicable Bank regulations.
  13. These Maxi Saver Terms & Conditions are an inseparable part of the Jenius Terms and Conditions, therefore the Customer is subject and bound to the provisions contained therein and to the Jenius Terms and Conditions.
  14. Unless otherwise specified in the Terms & Conditions for Maxi Saver via the Jenius application, all terms and definitions used here have the same meaning and understanding as the terms and definitions in the Terms and Conditions for opening and opening Maxi Saver and the Terms and Conditions for Jenius.

Version 1.0.1
Last updated: 29 December 2023

Product Name: Foreign Currency

Issuer Name: PT BANK BTPN Tbk

Key Features:

Meeting the needs related to foreign currency, such as:

  • Opening a Foreign Currency account
  • Buying and selling foreign currencies from Jenius Active Balance
  • Sending and receiving funds in foreign currencies (Remittances (Refer to Definition))
  • Cash withdrawals and transactions abroad by linking the account to the Jenius ATM/Debit card (m-Card).
  • Information on all transactions and balances in In & Out, e-Statements, and e-SPT.



  • Enjoying various types of foreign currencies within Jenius
  • Simplifying foreign currency transactions through the Jenius app



  • Conversion fee risk
  • Fluctuations in currency exchange rates
  • Third-party charges
  • Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) or LPS guarantee only applies if the deposit complies with the conditions stipulated by the LPS.


Requirements and Procedures:

  • All Jenius users who have activated the Main Account can open a Foreign Currency account through the Jenius Application in accordance with the Bank’s regulations for opening Jenius accounts.
  • Minimum initial deposit applies to each available foreign currency type. For more information, visit


Fees & Interest Rates:

Information on transaction fees and Foreign Currency Interest Rates is available at

Fees are subject to change at any time according to the Bank’s policy, with changes communicated by the Bank no later than 30 (thirty) Business Days before the effective date of the change.



Product simulations will be displayed before customers confirm transactions within the Jenius Application.

Read the terms and conditions to the bottom of the page to continue.

  1. Definitions
    1. “Bank” is PT BANK BTPN Tbk., located in South Jakarta, covering the head office and branch offices, as well as other offices and Customer Care.
    2. “Jenius” is a product of electronic banking service produced by the Bank.
    3. “Customer” means an individual registered with Jenius.
    4. “Main Account” is a bank account used for daily banking transactions and linked to a debit card that is issued physically and known as the “m-Card”.
    5. “Active Balance” is the balance present in the Main Account, which can be utilized for transfers, cash withdrawals, online/offline transactions, and savings.
    6. “Foreign Currency” is a feature that facilitates Customers in saving, buying/selling, sending and receiving, foreign currency transactions according to the available currencies during operational hours, following the strategy implemented by Jenius. Product information summary for this feature can be accessed at
    7. “$Cashtag” is the Customer’s personal, unique, and secure identity functioning as the name and account number of Jenius at the Bank. Product information summary for this feature can be accessed at
    8. “Card Center” is a way to manage debit cards, from card requests, activation, top-ups and refunds, blocking and deleting cards, changing PINs and limits, checking transaction history, to linking Foreign Currency to m-Card. Product information summary can be accessed at
    9. “m-Card” is the primary debit card; with m-Card, Customers can withdraw cash at ATM Prima/Bersama/abroad and transact online/offline at all Visa merchants, gaining access to other Jenius payment methods such as Jenius QRIS and Jenius Pay.
    10. “Remittance” is a banking service for Customers in the form of receiving and sending funds in foreign currency to other Jenius users or other banks (domestic and international) according to the available currencies and operational hours in the Jenius app. Product information summary for this feature can be accessed at
    11. “In & Out” is a feature to record all incoming/outgoing transactions in Active Balance, as well as all scheduled transactions and a list of money requests that the Customer has sent.
    12. “e-Statement” is a statement of account containing all financial transaction records that the Customer conducts in Jenius Application and Jenius Debit Card, which can be viewed and downloaded from Jenius Application.
    13. “Jenius Application” is a downloaded and installed Jenius application on the Customer’s smartphone.
    14. “Login” is an authorization process used by the Customer to access the menu in the Jenius Application.
    15. “Business Day” is the day when the Bank operates and conducts clearing according to regulatory provisions.
    16. “ATM” is the Automatic Teller Machine.
    17. “Customer Care (Jenius Help)”is a customer service center that can be contacted through phone calls, email, and/or chat.
    18. “Jenius Booth” is a customer service point in the form of standalone booth, shop-in-shop, exhibition, and/or other similar forms in retail spaces or such.
    19. “Device” refers to all electronic, wireless, communication, transmission, or telecommunication tools, hardware or media including and not limited to the Internet, computer or mobile tools, devices, terminal or system that may be required to access and use Jenius.
    20. “Partner Bank” is a party that cooperates directly or indirectly with the Bank to process transaction instructions from Customers, including switching, acquiring, recipient, and correspondent banks.
  2. Terms and Procedures for Opening a Foreign Currency Account
    1. The opening of a Foreign Currency account can be requested by the Customer after the activation of the Main Account and in accordance with the Bank’s regulations for account opening.
    2. Customers can apply for the opening of a Foreign Currency account through the Jenius Application by purchasing foreign currency as an initial deposit debited from the Customer’s Active Balance.
    3. The Foreign Currency account can be used for the purpose of saving foreign currency within the territory of Indonesia.
    4. Customers can open an account with various types of foreign currencies available in the Jenius Application with different initial deposits for each type of foreign currency. For further information, it can be accessed through the website
    5. Customers will receive a different account number for each Foreign Currency opened by the Customer through the Jenius Application.
    6. In the event that the Customer wants to close a Foreign Currency account, it can only be done by closing the Main Account.
    7. The Main Account is the center of the Customer’s association with Jenius, and in the event that the Main Account is closed, all the additional accounts and other services related to the customer’s Jenius Main Account will also be terminated.
    8. The Customer can close the account by contacting Customer Care (Jenius Help), visiting the Jenius Booth, and/or Jenius Application.
    9. The Bank holds the right to close, block, or freeze the Customer’s accounts and/or banking services/facilities, as well as to charge the customer for administration fees and other charges arising from the account closure, in the event the following cases occur:
      1. One of the Customer’s accounts is suspected by the Bank to have been misused, including but not limited to accommodating or having been used to store the proceeds of criminal activities or other illegal activities, including online gambling, illegal investments, fraud, narcotics, related to the Customer’s account and/or banking services/facilities that cause losses to the public, other parties, and/or the Bank.
      2. The Customer provides data/information that is considered suspicious by the Bank and/or provides data/information that is false/invalid/ incomplete, and/or unwilling to provide any data/information requested by the Bank in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. The Customer is exposed to the screening sanction according to the bank’s policy and/or the screening sanction in the recipient country,
      3. The Customer’s data profile matches with the Terrorist and Terrorist Group Watch List (Daftar Teroris dan Terduga Teroris – DTTOT) and the Weapons of Mass Destruction proliferation watch list,
      4. There is a written request from the police, prosecutors, courts, Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan – PPATK), Tax Office, or other competent authority in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations or to fulfill certain obligation/debt that has not been resolved by the Customer to the Bank.
      5. Due to certain matters permitted by regulations, the Bank no longer provides account products and/or certain banking services/facilities.
      6. In the case where the Customer’s account will be closed due to the above-mentioned reasons, the Customer is required to withdraw the remaining balance or to transfer it to other bank accounts in accordance with the procedures and regulations of the Bank. The Bank holds the right to withhold the reason behind the closure unless stated otherwise in the regulations.
  3. Requirements and Procedures for Transactions in Foreign Currency
    1. Buying/selling Foreign Currency transactions through the Jenius Application can only be done during the operational hours of foreign exchange transactions, following the operational hours on the Jenius website and/or Jenius Application. Outside these hours, Customers cannot perform foreign currency exchange transactions through the Jenius Application.
    2. The Bank may regulate and stop at any time the buying/selling of foreign currency services through the Jenius Application.
    3. Buying/selling foreign currency transactions follow the exchange rate of foreign currency set by the Bank or Partner Bank at the time of the transaction.
    4. The exchange rate of foreign currency in the Jenius Application may differ from the exchange rate of foreign currency at the Bank’s branches/site.
    5. Buying/selling transactions conducted in the Jenius Application still follow the exchange rate of foreign currency available in the Jenius Application.
    6. Customers can conduct buying/selling transactions of foreign currencies available in the Jenius Application with a minimum amount determined by the Bank. For more information, it can be accessed through the website
    7. In calculating currency conversion, the Bank may make necessary rounding.
    8. The purchase limit of foreign currency for all types of foreign currency on the Jenius Application and through Bank branches may change at any time according to the Bank’s policy. For more detailed information, it can be accessed through the website
    9. Remittances can only be done after the Customer has a Foreign Currency account.
    10. Remittances can be done through the Jenius Application using the balance of the Foreign Currency account in Jenius.
    11. Remittances with the destination to other Jenius accounts or other banks (domestic or international) can be done following the operational hours on the Jenius website and/or Jenius Application.
    12. Remittances within Indonesia can only be done for savings purposes according to Bank Indonesia Regulation No.17/3/PBI/2015 regarding the Obligation to Use Rupiah in the Territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
    13. The Remittance process depends on the regulations of each Destination Bank and Partner Bank; therefore, the Bank cannot guarantee how long it will take for the money to reach the Recipient.
    14. Refunds in Remittances can be made for various reasons, but not limited to: (1) Incorrect/incomplete account number or recipient data; (2) Transactions require additional documents, (3) The recipient is a person listed in the OJK Blacklist, terrorist list, or National Blacklist, (4) Fails AML screening, and others.
    15. Refunds can be made in full or in part (following the costs that arise from the transaction).
    16. Customers can receive incoming transfers from other Jenius accounts or from banks or other institutions (domestic or international). If there is a difference in currency from the received transaction instructions, the Bank will convert it to the currency of the Customer’s recipient account in Jenius (according to the exchange rate applicable at the Bank).
    17. If Customers wish to make payments and/or withdrawals using the Foreign Currency account balance with m-Card outside Indonesia, Customers are required to link the m-Card with the Foreign Currency account through the Card Center feature in the Jenius Application. If not linked, the Bank has the right to convert using the prevailing exchange rate at the time of the transaction. Customers are aware of and responsible for the risk of exchange rate fluctuations regarding this currency conversion.
    18. Customers must ensure that the m-Card is active when making transactions with the m-Card.
    19. Customers are not allowed to make foreign currency transactions within Indonesia according to Bank Indonesia Regulation No.17/3/PBI/2015 regarding the Obligation to Use Rupiah in the Territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
    20. The transaction history of Foreign Currency transactions performed by Customers will be recorded in the In & Out section of the Jenius Application. For complete information about the In & Out feature, it can be accessed through the website
    21. Customers who withdraw foreign currency from the Foreign Currency account balance or Rupiah balance using ATMs abroad (such as Visa or other international networks owned by the Bank) will be charged according to the Bank’s regulations. For more information, it can be accessed through the website
    22. If Customers transfer/withdraw funds in a different currency from the owned account, the Bank has the right to convert using the exchange rate applicable at the time of the transaction. Customers are aware of and responsible for the risk of exchange rate fluctuations regarding this currency conversion.
    23. Customers release the Bank from all losses, liabilities, claims, and any costs (including legal costs) that may arise in connection with the execution of transaction instructions through the Jenius App by the Customer, except the Customer can prove that the transaction was executed due to a Bank error.
    24. In certain conditions, the Bank may request additional documents from the Customer, and the Customer must comply with these additional document requests to continue transactions according to applicable regulations.
  4. Fees
    1. The Bank has the right to debit the Customer’s Main Account and/or Additional Account for billing fees as determined in the Fees and Limits Table that can be found on the website and/or the Jenius Application.
    2. Information related to fees and other details can be accessed through the website and can also be obtained by contacting Customer Care and available Jenius Booths.
    3. The Bank is not responsible for fees from Partner Banks that arise as a result of using Partner Bank services in Remittance activities, cash withdrawals, or Jenius App payment transactions and/or Jenius debit card transactions.
  5. Government Guarantee
    1. The balance of the Customer’s Foreign Currency account in Jenius is guaranteed according to the provisions of the Deposit Insurance Agency (Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan – LPS)
    2. In accordance with the provisions set by the Deposit Insurance Agency (Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan – LPS), the Customer’s saving balance that exceeds the maximum value of savings and/or interest rate guaranteed by LPS, or does not meet other requirements set by LPS, then the saving balance is not guaranteed by LPS.
    3. The provision of interest or the imposition of fees on the Foreign Currency account is a Bank policy that may change at any time with notice to the Customer according to the regulations in force. For more detailed information, it can be accessed through the Jenius website
  6. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
    1. The interpretation and the implementation of these Terms and Conditions are regulated by and abide with the applicable law of the Republic of Indonesia.
    2. If these Terms and Conditions are available in English, the English version is only a translation. If there are differences in interpretation between the Indonesian and English texts, the Indonesian text will prevail and be legally binding.
  7. Statements and Authorization
    1. By ticking the checkbox related to the approval of these Terms and Conditions, the Customer declares that they have sufficient time to read, understand, and agree to these Terms and Conditions, including agreeing to all processes inherent in the Jenius Digital Banking Service.
    2. The customer hereby declares to be subject and bound to this Terms and Conditions, the Terms and Conditions for Customer of PT BANK BTPN Tbk. (“Terms & Conditions for BTPN Customer” that can be accessed by the Customer at, the terms and conditions related to the Account and/or facility/banking services will be accepted by the customer such as the prevailing laws, legislation and the Bank’s authority in the Republic of Indonesia, determined by the Republic of Indonesia in relation to banking facilities/services provided by the Bank to the customer (including but not limited to electronic transaction process).
  8. Questions and Complaints
    1. Matters not mentioned in these Terms and Conditions will follow the Terms and Conditions of the Jenius Savings Product agreed upon by the Customer through the Jenius App and follow the terms and conditions applicable at the Bank.
    2. For matters related to these Terms and Conditions as well as its consequences, any disputes or differences of opinion arising from and/or related to the implementation of these Terms and Conditions between the Customer and the Bank will be resolved through consultation.
    3. Any disputes or differences of opinion that cannot be resolved amicably by the Customer and the Bank will be settled through an Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution listed in the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution List established by the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan).
    4. Any disputes or differences of opinion that cannot be resolved through consultation, banking facilitation, and/or mediation as referred to above will be settled by the South Jakarta District Court, without prejudice to the Bank’s right to file a lawsuit or claim through other District Courts within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
    5. These Terms and Conditions and the Summary of Product and Service Information apply to all Foreign Currency account openings at the Bank, and the Customer declares to be subject to these Terms and Conditions and the terms and conditions of account opening applicable at the Bank.


PT Bank BTPN Tbk is licensed and supervised by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) and guaranteed by Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS).


Version 1.00

Last updated: 29 December 2023

  1. Service Information
    • Jenius Face Recognition Service (“Service”) is an automatic facial recognition technology based on the digital calculation of an individual’s physiological characteristics. This technology utilizes Artificial Intelligence (AI) to recognize and/or identify faces registered in the Jenius system. It is applied in processes including but not limited to the unlink device process.
    • The Unlink Device process is necessary to remove a device connected to the Jenius account before the customer can log in using another device.
  2. Service Publisher Name
    • The Service is a Jenius Digital Banking service provided by PT BANK BTPN Tbk (“Bank”).
    • Additionally, to ensure optimal service and data security, the Bank collaborates with a Third Party, namely, PT Global Infotech Solution, certified with ISO/IEC 30107-3 Biometric presentation attack detection. The Third Party collaborates with the Bank, including but not limited to analysis and authentication purposes by obtaining, collecting, processing, analyzing, transmitting, and delivering information/data and its derivatives to the Bank.
  3. Key Features
    • The main feature of the Service is to verify the authenticity of the customer’s face detected by the camera on the customer’s device connected to the Jenius application by comparing it with the stored photo in the Jenius system obtained during the registration/account opening process.
    • With the customer’s approval of the Service feature, they can utilize it in processes including but not limited to the unlink device process, using Face Recognition, and other processes in the features available in the Bank.
    • About the Service:
      • Service registration is done within the Jenius application.
      • Authentication is done by comparing the customer’s face displayed when using the biometric system with the photo stored in Jenius.
      • Registered face photos are only stored in the Jenius system and cannot be altered.
  1. Benefits
    • This Service technology is utilized in processes including but not limited to the unlink device process and usage in other processes in the Bank’s features.
    • Unlinking devices with the Service is automatically done by the system to connect the customer’s Jenius account from the old device to the new one.
    • Customers can unlink devices with the Service independently at any time.
    • Customers can safely and easily unlink old devices through the Jenius application without contacting Jenius Help or visiting Jenius booths/Bank branches.
  1. Risks
    • The Bank is not responsible for the use of the Jenius application on devices that do not meet the Jenius application support standards.
    • In case of suspicious activities or unauthorized access to the customer’s Jenius account, customers can report to Jenius Help (call 1500-365 or email [email protected]).
  2. Requirements and Procedures
    • Service Requirements
      • To use the Service, customers must have an active account with Jenius.
      • Customers can use any Android smartphone (min. version 5.0) and iPhone (min. iOS 11) with a front camera.
      • Face registration for the Service can only be done independently by customers through the Jenius application, using a smartphone connected to the customer’s active Jenius account.
    • How to register the customer’s face to use the Service
      • Open the Jenius application by logging in with a PIN or biometric (face/finger).
      • Customers can register their face in the Jenius application by following the given instructions until the customer’s face is successfully registered.
      • Customers will receive push notifications and emails confirming the successful registration of their face for the Service.
  1. Fees
    • Jenius does not impose additional fees for the Service.
    • Customers only need to ensure they have the most updated Jenius application.
  2. Additional Information
  1. General Terms and Conditions
    • These terms and conditions govern the use of the Service.
    • By agreeing to these terms and conditions and/or continuing to use the Service, customers have read, accepted the explanation, and understood the Product and Service Information Summary for Jenius Face Recognition.
    • By agreeing to these terms and conditions and/or continuing to use the Service, customers agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
    • If customers do not agree to these terms and conditions, they are not advised to agree to these terms and conditions and/or continue to use Jenius Face Recognition.
  2. Access and Authorization
    • Jenius has the right to close, block, or freeze customer accounts and/or banking services/facilities at the Bank, along with imposing administrative closure fees and other applicable fees at the Bank, including but not limited to if:
      • Any of the customer’s accounts is suspected by the Bank to have been misused, including but not limited to accommodating or/and has been/will be used to support criminal activities or other illegal activities, including online gambling, illegal investments, fraud, narcotics, related to the customer’s account and/or banking services/facilities causing losses to the public, other parties, and/or the Bank.
      • Customers provide data/information considered suspicious by the Bank and/or provide false/invalid/incomplete data/information, and/or are unwilling to provide any data/information requested by the Bank in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Customers are subject to screening sanctions based on the regulations in force at the Bank and/or screening sanctions in the receiving country.
      • The customer’s data profile is identical to the list of terrorists and suspected terrorists (DTTOT) and the list of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
      • There is a written request from the Police, Prosecutor’s Office, Court, Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK), Tax Office, or other authorized institutions in accordance with applicable laws and regulations or to fulfill obligations/debts that have not been settled by the customer to the Bank.
      • For any reason permitted by the terms, the Bank no longer provides certain account products and/or banking services/facilities.
    • If the customer’s account is to be closed for the above reasons, the customer is required to withdraw the remaining balance or transfer the funds to another bank account following the procedures and regulations applicable at the Bank. The Bank reserves the right not to provide reasons for rejection, unless otherwise stipulated by the laws and regulations.
    • Jenius has the right to update, suspend, or terminate the Jenius Face Recognition Service at any time without prior notice. The reasons for this may include but are not limited to:
      • The temporary or permanent cessation of collaboration between Jenius and third parties.
      • Jenius detects suspicious transactions involving the customer’s Jenius account.
  1. Language
    • If these terms and conditions are available in English, the English version is only a translation. In case of differences in interpretation between the Indonesian and English texts, the Indonesian text will prevail and be legally binding.
  2. Applicable Law
    • These terms and conditions are made and implemented based on the laws and regulations applicable in the Republic of Indonesia.
    • Any disputes or differences of opinion arising from and/or related to the implementation of these terms and conditions between customers and the Bank will be resolved through deliberation.
    • Any disputes or differences of opinion that cannot be resolved through deliberation between customers and the Bank will be resolved through Alternative Dispute Resolution Institutions listed by the Financial Services Authority.
    • Any disputes or differences of opinion that cannot be resolved through deliberation and/or mediation as mentioned above will be resolved through the South Jakarta District Court, without prejudice to the Bank’s right to file a lawsuit or claim through other District Courts within the Republic of Indonesia.
  3. Changes to Terms and Conditions
    • Customers acknowledge, understand, and agree that Jenius, at its discretion, may revise and update these terms and conditions with Written Notification (via electronic or print media), including changes to terms, types, and amounts of fees, and/or other matters related to the provision of Jenius Face Recognition Service. Jenius will provide such Written Notification no later than 30 (thirty) working days before the effective date of the changes as stated by Jenius, except to comply with applicable regulations.
    • Any change, improvement, or addition to these terms and conditions is an integral and inseparable part of these terms and conditions.

Version 2.0
Last updated: 29 December 2023

Service Information

  1. Mutual Fund Securities Selling Agent (APERD) is a transaction service (selling/buying) of Mutual Fund products owned by Investment Managers through the BTPN Sinaya branch as a selling agent or electronically on the Jenius application (APERD Electronic Services). One of the services offered by Jenius in the APERD service is opening an account or investment account via Jenius application.
  2. Activities as a Mutual Fund Selling Agent (APERD) means that BTPN will only act as a party selling Mutual Fund products owned by the Investment Manager and will not use Mutual Funds as banking products.

Service Benefits

BTPN tries to direct Customers to invest healthily by providing services that emphasize diversification of investment products according to Customer needs and risk levels and also offers the concept of regular investment plans. This service is available both through branches and via Jenius application.

Service Risks

  1. Strategic risk is a risk that arises as a result of failure to determine an appropriate strategy in order to achieve BTPN’s main goals and targets as APERD.
  2. Operational risk is a risk that arises as a result of inadequacy or failure of internal processes, people, information technology systems and/or events originating from outside the BTPN environment. Examples of operational risks include but not limited to:
  3. The presence of high volume transactions requires additional manpower in the head office operations team so that transactions are processed on time.
  4. The existence of sales through Jenius means that product inquiries can go to the booth and call center. So if agents at booths and call centers have to explain the Mutual Fund products being sold, the agents must have a WAPERD certificate or pool resources at Jenius to explain the products.
  5. A WMS system development regarding APIs and the need for system maintenance in the Jenius application which may impact account opening and Mutual Fund transactions.
  6. Legal risk is the risk of a lawsuit arising from Customers’ misunderstanding of BTPN product and service information as APERD.
  7. Asset and liability risks are risks that arise as a result of failure to manage assets and liabilities.
  8. Management risk is a risk that arises as a result of failure to maintain the best composition of management, namely directors and board of commissioners, or equivalent, who have high competence and integrity.
  9. Governance risk is a risk that arises due to potential failure in implementing good governance, inappropriate management style, control environment and behavior of each party directly or indirectly involved with BTPN as APERD.

Requirements and Procedures

  1. Services are available to all individual BTPN Customers who have accounts at Sinaya or Jenius.
  2. Sales distribution is carried out in all branches that have APERD permits as well as on the Jenius application.
  3. Customers who wish to purchase Mutual Fund products must open an investment account at BTPN with the same name for the purpose of consolidating the registration of Participation Units for the Mutual Fund products they own, as well as having a savings account at BTPN.
  4. The investment account mentioned above requires Customers to fill out a Mutual Fund Investment Account Opening Form, either available in print or electronically via the Jenius application or Sinaya Robo application, as well as agreeing to the Mutual Fund Transaction Terms and Conditions.
  5. In addition, Customers must complete the Risk Suitability Form (Risk Profile Quiz) to determine their investment risks.

Service Fees

  1. There are no special fees for Mutual Fund Transaction Services.

Fees charged to Customers are only related to the Customer’s purchase of products in accordance with the provisions of the Mutual Fund Prospectus.

Please read carefully, understand, and agree about the customer’s terms and condition below:

  2. Bank is PT BANK BTPN Tbk. domiciled in South Jakarta, which consists of head office, branch offices, Customer Services, and various other forms of offices.
  3. Custodian Bank is the party that takes care of administration, ensures that transactions carried out by investment managers comply with regulations, and stores Mutual Fund assets (safe keeping).
  4. Fund Fact Sheet is a monthly report on Mutual Fund products published by the Investment Manager regarding the performance of Mutual Fund products, portfolio information and the number of funds managed.
  5. Hari Bursa, or literally Exchange Days, is the day on which securities trading is held on the stock exchange, namely Monday to Friday except national holidays or those declared as stock exchange holidays by the regulator.
  6. Jenius is an electronic banking product owned by PT BANK BTPN Tbk.
  7. Investment Manager is a party that provides and manages Mutual Fund products with permission from the OJK.
  8. Customers are individuals or entities who have an account at the Bank and/or use banking facilities/services provided by the Bank. Prospectus is a document containing complete information regarding Mutual Fund products that investors/Customers need to understand before making Mutual Fund transactions.
  9. Mutual Funds are a forum used to collect funds from the investing public to then be invested in a portfolio of securities by the Investment Manager.
  10. Accounts are Customer savings in the form of savings, current accounts, deposits and/or other similar forms, which can be opened by/on behalf of individuals, non-individuals/entities, and combinations, whether the Customer has opened it at the bank or is about to open it. at a later time.
  11. Jenius Account is a savings account on the Jenius application (Active Balance) owned by the Main Card Holder.
  12. Mutual Fund transactions are the process of buying, selling and/or transferring Mutual Fund units.


  2. These Mutual Fund Transaction Terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) are an integral and inseparable part of the Mutual Fund Investment Account Opening Form.
  3. Customers who wish to order or purchase Mutual Fund participation units and/or resell ownership units of Mutual Fund participation units (“Mutual Fund Transactions”) are required to have an Account at the Bank) in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions for opening an account at the Bank and the Jenius application.
  4. All of these Terms and Conditions apply to Mutual Fund products issued and managed by the Investment Manager and the Bank acts as a Mutual Fund sales agent for parties carrying out Mutual Fund Transactions, both individuals and institutions or legal entities (“Customers”).
  5. The Customer knows and understands that the Mutual Fund product or its underlying asset is not a Bank product, is not a deposit, is not an obligation and is not guaranteed by the Bank (including subsidiaries, affiliates or group companies and is not included in the scope objects of the Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan, literally Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) or other Indonesian Government guarantee programs and therefore agree that the Bank will not provide compensation and/or liability to the Customer or any party for any claims, lawsuits and/or compensation from any party that may arise in the future in connection with the specifications and validity of Mutual Fund products or their underlying assets.
  6. Every Mutual Fund Transaction instruction sent and/or given by the Customer and/or by another party appointed and authorized based on written authorization from the Customer, is considered valid if it has been received by the Bank and in accordance with the procedures determined by the Bank from time to time.
  7. All instructions received by the Bank will be carried out as long as they comply with the transaction procedures, as stated in point III below.
  8. Every Customer instruction that has been conveyed by the Bank to the Investment Manager and/or Custodian Bank, whether in writing, electronically via the Jenius application or via other telecommunications means, cannot be changed and revoked if the instruction has been carried out by the Investment Manager and/or Custodian Bank, and all actions carried out by the Investment Manager and/or Custodian Bank based on these instructions are binding on the Customer.
  9. Customers who have given Mutual Fund Transaction instructions to the Bank (including via the Jenius application) cannot cancel the instructions and/or change the instructions.
  10. By paying attention to the internal provisions applicable to the Bank, the provisions of applicable laws and regulations, and based on these Terms and Conditions, if a request or instruction for a Mutual Fund Transaction from a Customer may bring or result in the Bank experiencing a liability, claim, complaint, or loss, whether direct or indirectly, the Bank has the right to refuse, cancel and/or temporarily suspend the implementation of any Mutual Fund Transaction activities or transactions by notifying the Customer of this matter.


  1. Terms and Conditions for Purchasing Mutual Fund Participation Units
    1. Mutual Fund purchases will only be processed if the Customer has completely filled out the Mutual Fund Investment Account Opening Form, Risk Profile Form, and Mutual Fund Participation Unit Purchase Form accompanied by supporting documents in accordance with the Know Your Customer Principles as regulated in Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 22/POJK.04/2014 including its amendments, and the Customer’s Mutual Fund Investment Account has been successfully opened at the Bank based on information obtained by the Bank from PT. Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI).
    2. Investment units are sold based on the information stated in the Prospectus, Fund Fact Sheet, and other written information issued by the relevant Investment Manager. The Bank is not responsible for information other than that contained in the Prospectus and other written information issued by the relevant Investment Manager.
    3. The sale of Mutual Fund participation units is carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions stated in each Prospectus.
    4. The number of Mutual Fund participation units issued is a fractional number up to 4 (four) digits after the comma.
    5. Mutual Fund transactions will be based on calculations using the net asset value (NAV) on the same Exchange Day, if the purchase form has been filled in completely, funds are available in the debit account, and the required documents have been received in full and approved by the Bank before 13.00 WIB. If received after 13.00 WIB, the transaction will be based on a calculation using NAV on the following Exchange Day. For services outside the Bank’s branches, the documents must be received in full and approved for transaction (including confirmation of a callback to the Customer) by the Bank at the branch at 13.00 WIB. For Customers who make Mutual Fund Transactions via the Jenius application, call back confirmation does not apply.
    6. If there are changes to the documents that have been submitted previously, the Customer as the holder of the investment unit will inform and submit updates to the documents as referred to in section III point 1 letter a to the Bank. For Customers who update their data via the Jenius application, the changed data only applies to their Jenius Account.
  2. Terms and Conditions for Transfer and Resale of Mutual Fund Participation Units
    1. Mutual Fund investment unit holders distributed through the Bank can transfer and/or resell part or all of the investment units they own, by completely filling out the Participation Unit Transfer and Redemption Form and submitting it directly or sending it via the Jenius application) to the Bank. Applications for Transfer and Redemption of Participation Units that do not comply with the requirements in the Prospectus will not be entertained.
    2. The minimum limit for transfer and redemption of investment units is as stated in the Prospectus of each Mutual Fund.
    3. The investment unit transfer transaction will be deducted from the investment unit transfer fee, as stated in the Prospectus and will deduct from the investment in the destination Mutual Fund.
    4. Funds from the resale of investment units will be deducted from the resale costs, as stated in the Prospectus. Funds from the sale of investment units will only be sent directly to the account in the name of the respective Mutual Fund investment unit holder at the Bank. Payment will be made no later than 7 (seven) Exchange Days after the Participation Unit Transfer and Redemption Form is received completely and approved by the Bank. Costs arising from the resale of investment units will be borne by the unit holder.
    5. Participation Unit Transfer and Redemption Forms that are received in full by the Bank (either through a branch or the Jenius application) before 13.00 WIB will be processed based on the NAV per participation unit at the end of the same Exchange Day. Participation Unit Transfer and Redemption Forms that are received in full by the Bank after 13.00 WIB will be processed based on the NAV per participation unit at the end of the next Exchange Day. If there are differences in the records in calculating the number of participation units or payment value, then the official and valid data that will be used are the records in the Custodian Bank.


  2. The period of the Mutual Fund participation unit purchase program periodically is in accordance to the time period stated on the Mutual Fund Participation Unit Purchase Form instructed by the Customer via the Bank branch office or via the Jenius application.
  3. This Mutual Fund Participation Unit Purchase Form is also valid as a power of attorney for periodic account debits for purchasing Mutual Fund participation units listed on the form with the debit period as stated on the form.
  4. Periodic debits for the purchase of Mutual Fund participation units will be made on the investment date per month in accordance with the chosen date of the Customer who purchases Mutual Fund participation units periodically through the branch office and must be between the 1st and 26th.
  5. Periodic debits for purchasing Mutual Fund statement units will be made on the investment date per month according to the date chosen by the Customer who purchases Mutual Fund participation units periodically through the Jenius application.
  6. The selected investment date is at least one calendar day after the Mutual Fund Participation Unit Purchase Form is received completely by the Bank.
  7. If the investment date falls on a non-Exchange Day, then the debit and allocation of funds made by the Bank branch office into Mutual Fund participation units will be carried out on the following Exchange Day.
  8. If the investment date made via the Jenius application falls on a non-Exchange Day, the debit will still be made automatically on the relevant date. The process of allocating funds into Mutual Fund participation units will be carried out on the next Exchange Day.
  9. Customers are required to ensure that funds are available in the Customer’s Account on the monthly investment date stated on the Mutual Fund Participation Unit Purchase Form.
  10. If a debit fails due to insufficient funds in the Account on the investment date, then periodic purchase transactions made through the Bank branch office in the relevant period will be canceled and the next debit will be made in the following month.
  11. If a debit failure occurs due to insufficient funds in the Account on the investment date, then periodic purchase transactions carried out via the Jenius application in the relevant period will be temporarily suspended until the Customer reactivates periodic purchases.
  12. If the Customer wishes to purchase Mutual Funds outside the investment date related to point 3 through a Bank branch office, the Customer is obliged to purchase Mutual Fund participation units in accordance with the applicable Mutual Fund unit purchase procedure, namely by filling in the Mutual Fund Participation Unit Purchase Form Funds and investment records for Mutual Fund participation units will be allocated to separate investment subaccounts from this periodic investment.
  13. This Mutual Fund investment unit purchase program which is carried out through Bank branch offices on a regular basis automatically ends if there is a failure to debit the Account for 3 (three) consecutive months.
  14. During the period of the periodic purchase program, the Customer may transfer or resell the investment units purchased at any time on the Exchange Day and this transfer or resale process will not cause the periodic purchase program of Mutual Fund investment units to automatically end.
  15. Changes in the value of debit transactions through Bank branch offices are not permitted during the periodic purchase program period. If the Customer wants to increase the value of his investment, the Customer can fill out a new Mutual Fund Participation Unit Purchase Form.
  16. Changes in the value of debit transactions via the Jenius application are permitted during the program period and periodic purchase instructions are carried out from the start via the Jenius application. Customers using Jenius can update the investment purchase value by refilling the Mutual Fund Participation Unit Purchase Form on the Jenius application without having to fill in a new Mutual Fund Participation Unit Purchase Form.
  17. The Bank will inform the Customer in writing via email and/or information on the Jenius application if there are any matters or changes in regulations that could affect the Customer’s periodic Mutual Fund unit purchase program.



The Customer hereby authorizes the Bank to disclose information with the following:

  1. To provide information to the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and/or other relevant government agencies which includes information regarding Accounts and other information regarding Customers in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
  2. To provide information by the Bank to the Investment Manager and Custodian Bank includes information regarding the Customer including the number of Mutual Fund participation units and the amount of payments made by the Customer for Mutual Fund Transactions as a whole and/or on the same day.


  2. The Customer hereby states and guarantees to the Bank that the Customer:
  3. Is the legal owner of the funds used to purchase Mutual Fund participation units and the funds were not obtained from a criminal act including money laundering. Customers will not use Mutual Fund investment accounts as a tool for criminal acts including money laundering.
  4. Is the party who directly receives the benefit (beneficial owner) from placing funds in a Mutual Fund and does not act in the interests of other parties.
  5. Be aware and understand the risks that arise and inherent risks related to the Customer’s Mutual Fund investments and it is the Customer’s responsibility to seek investment advice and performance on Mutual Fund investments based on the Customer’s independent assessment and decision.
  6. Agrees that the Bank has the right to change these Terms and Conditions with a minimum of 30 working days prior notification to the Customer via email or the Jenius application or other official bank communication media and/or placing a notification at the Bank office, if the Customer does not agree with the changes, the Customer can make a sale return Mutual Fund investment units by following the market price prevailing at the time of redemption of investment units.
  7. Agree that the Bank and/or Investment Manager at their discretion may refuse to carry out the Customer’s instructions by stating the reasons. Such refusal does not make the Bank and/or Investment Manager obliged to pay any losses to the Customer.
  8. Must immediately notify the Bank in writing or update data via the Bank’s electronic banking service regarding any changes to the Customer’s identity and/or data. The Customer’s failure to do so is entirely the Customer’s responsibility and risk.
  9. Approve and grant permission for the use and/or provision of Customer information/data (along with related supporting documents), including Customer financial information/data, which is carried out in order to comply with applicable laws and regulations or which is carried out for the purpose of this transaction or other banking transactions or if deemed necessary by the Bank.
  10. Agrees to carry out, sign in writing/approve electronically at any time, and submit all forms of power of attorney or documents as well as take steps that may be necessary to carry out the Customer’s instructions regarding their Mutual Fund participation units.
  11. The Customer hereby states and guarantees to the Bank that any data, information, instructions and electronic approval that has been or will be included in the Mutual Fund Investment Account Opening Form document and other documents related to the Customer’s investment that the Customer has provided to the Bank or a third party (if any) is true, valid and binding.


  1. Customer gives authority with the right of substitution to the Bank to:
  2. Purchase transaction of Mutual Fund’s units according to Customer’s instructions by debiting Customer’s Account.
  3. Sell transaction of Mutual Fund’s units according to Customer’s instructions and credit the proceeds to the Customer’s Account.
  4. Receive reports on investment’s result and transactions from the Investment Manager and/or Custodian Bank.
  5. Administer and store evidence of every transactions’ documents and carry out other actions related to Customer Mutual Fund’s unit.
  6. Debit Customer’s Account for Mutual Fund Transaction and fees arising from the Customer’s instructions.
  7. Implement all the Bank’s rights under these Terms and Conditions.
  8. As long as Customer still has obligations to the Bank, the authority given by Customer to Bank based on these Terms and Condition cannot be revoked or will not expire for any reason, including but not limited to the reasons for the end of the authority of attorney as mentioned in article 1813, 1814, and 1816 Civil Code.
  9. All authority given by the Customer to the Bank in these Terms and Conditions are the most important parts and cannot be separated from these Terms and Conditions.
  10. If in the implementation of these Terms and Conditions there is a change in the provisions or there is a new statutory regulation which requires the Bank to obtain a separate special power of attorney from the Customer to exercise BTPN’s rights arising under these Terms and Conditions, then the Customer is obliged to sign in writing or agree electronically and provide the power of attorney to the Bank upon the Bank’s first request.


  1. For each Mutual Fund Transaction carried out by the Customer, the Custodian Bank will issue a confirmation of the implementation of the Mutual Fund Transaction to the Customer no later than 7 (seven) Bourse Days after the Mutual Fund Transaction is carried out.
  2. The Custodian Bank will provide a report on the entire portfolio of Mutual Fund Transactions owned by the Customer every month to the Customer’s address registered at the Custodian Bank based on the latest Mutual Fund Transaction data carried out by the Customer at the relevant Custodian Bank.
  3. Regarding the NAV per unit of each mutual fund sold through the Bank, customers can find out the information via print, electronic media and the Jenius application one bourse day after the transaction is made.
  4. All notifications and communications from the Customer to the Bank are entirely at the Customer’s risk. The Bank will not be responsible for any inaccuracies, interruptions, errors, delays, or failures in the transmission or delivery of telephone communications, electronic communications, or other forms of communication or for failure to receive or malfunction of equipment and communications owned by the Customer.


  1. FEES

Customer is responsible and obliged to pay all fees imposed by the Bank in connection with the services the Customer receives from the Bank.

All taxes/fees amounts, or fees that may be required under applicable laws or regulations. Therefore, the Bank is also authorized to collect and/or debit taxes/fee amounts, and necessary fees from the Fund Account.

Referring to applicable regulations including Law No. 10 of 2020 concerning Stamp Duty (following amendments thereto), stamp duty will be charged on accumulated daily transactions above IDR 10,000,000 at all Mutual Fund Selling Agents (APERD).

Other costs which are borne by the Customer will be determined by the Bank and will be notified by the Bank to the Customer from time to time.


  2. If there are any errors, untruths, and/or inaccuracies in the information, data, evidence, authority, and/or authority provided by the Customer in the implementation of Mutual Fund Transactions by the Customer, the Bank and/or Investment Manager will hereby not provide compensation and/or or liability to the Customer or any party for all claims, demands and/or compensation from any party.
  3. The Customer is responsible for all disadvantage, losses, damages, demands or lawsuits experienced by the Customer which may arise as a result of submitting incorrect or incomplete information, data and/or evidence from the Customer or due to the implementation of the Customer’s instructions, including but not limited to cancellation, correction of instructions (for instructions that have not been carried out), whether delivered via facsimile, telephone or electronically (Jenius application).
  4. Based on the instructions given by the Customer and which have been carried out/executed by the Bank, the Customer will be responsible and provide full compensation to the Bank, if there are claims from third parties, losses, payments, or any costs that occur, are experienced, or are submitted to the Bank at any time and from time to time either directly or indirectly.



The Bank cannot be held responsible for any delay or impediment in fulfilling obligations under these Terms and Conditions, which is caused by a cause that is beyond the Bank’s ability or control (“Force Majeure”), as long as written notification (including written notification in electronic form in the form of an email and/or notification via the Jenius application) regarding this matter is delivered to the Customer within no more than 3 x 24 (three times twenty four) hours from the occurrence of the Force Majeure Event. What is meant by Force Majeure in these Terms and Conditions is, including but not limited to incidents of fire, natural disasters (such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, lightning), general strikes, riots, war, pandemics, epidemics, changes to government regulations and conditions in the economic, financial and capital market sectors, restrictions imposed by capital market authorities and the Stock Exchange, as well as disruption of trading, clearing and transaction settlement systems.


  1. When it comes to the functions and duties of the Bank as a mutual fund sales agent:
    Customers can make complaints through the Bank’s office, either verbally or in writing and/or the call center either by telephone or email which will then be followed up by the Bank in accordance with established regulations and procedures.
  2. If related to the functions and duties of the Bank as a Jenius service provider: Customer complaints regarding Jenius transactions via Jenius Help by calling 1500365 or sending email to [email protected].
  3. If it is related to the functions and duties of the Investment Manager and/or Custodian Bank, complaints and/or grievances can be submitted and follow the steps as stated in the Prospectus.


  1. These Terms and Conditions along with all changes/additions and/or renewals are made, interpreted and implemented based on the laws of Republic of Indonesia.
  2. If there’s any dispute between Customer and Bank regarding the interpretation and implementation of the rights and obligations of each party based on these Terms and Conditions, or regarding matters that are not sufficiently regulated in these terms and conditions, the Customer and the Bank agree to resolve it by deliberation.
  3. If a problem arises that cannot be resolved through deliberation relating to these Terms and Conditions and all its consequences, then the Parties agree to resolve it through the mediation of an Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution listed in the List of Alternative Dispute Resolution Institutions determined by the Financial Services Authority. If the dispute still cannot be resolved, the Parties agree to resolve the dispute through court. The parties agree to choose a legal domicile that is permanent and generally at the District Court Registrar’s Office at the location of the Bank Branch office managing the Account, without prejudice to the Bank’s right to file lawsuits/lawsuits against customers before other courts anywhere throughout Indonesia in accordance with the provisions. applicable law.

By accepting these Terms and Conditions by the Customer, the Customer is subject to and bound to these Terms and Conditions, the provisions set by the Bank in connection with Jenius services, the terms and conditions that apply to each Mutual Fund product from the Investment Manager, the terms and provisions of the Custodian Bank as well as applicable statutory provisions.

These Terms and Conditions have been adapted to the provisions of laws and regulations, including the provisions and regulations of the Financial Services Authority.

PT BANK BTPN Tbk is licensed and supervised by the Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK), and is an LPS guarantee participant.

  1. Sinaya Prioritas services are only given to Single Account which already fulfil the criteria to be Priority Member and already agreed by Bank based on User’s submission or application by signing Sinaya Prioritas Services Form according to Bank’s rule.
  2. For User to be able to enjoy the special services along with all the privileges from Sinaya Prioritas Services, User must have Asset Under Management (AUM) in total of minimum 000.000 (five hundred million rupiah) or equivalent, which counted from every third party fund products (current account, saving, deposit), and wealth management products (investment products and bancassurance product) which User have in BTPN Bank. If there is a minimum change in total AUM required, the Bank will notify within a period of 30 (thirty) working days before the change becomes effective.
  3. If only User’s total balance in average not met with the criteria mentioned in point 2 above in a certain period of time, Bank can change the account segmentation from Prioritas User to Regular User, for this point Bank will announce to User within a period of 30 (thirty) working days before the change becomes effective. If the User’s segmentation changes to Regular User, the terms and conditions for Regular User applied.
  4. User acknowledge and agree if the account is changed from Priority to Regular will not receive or have access to any benefits or privileges from Sinaya Prioritas services
  5. User who already downgrade can re-submit a new application for Sinaya Prioritas by going to BTPN office branch and only after fulfilling the criteria to become Priority Member.
  6. User can end Sinaya Prioritas Services by giving written notice to Bank based on Bank regulations.
  7. The following are terms and conditions for Off Branch Service


  1. Off Branch Service is a service from Bank to User outside from the Bank’s office branch.
  2. The implementation of Off Branch Service only can be executed in Bank’s Office Branch where User’s account managed and/or any appointed Bank’s Office Branch.
  3. Off Branch Service intended on this statement letter will be applied to all User’s account under the same identity in BTPN.
  4. User who already request to Bank and Bank already approve the request to get Off Branch Service with Off Branch Service List attached which are one unseparated part with this terms and conditions.
  5. The implementation of Off Branch Service according to this Statement Letter will be executed by attaching/using a valid form from the Bank for every transaction.
  6. All of the Off Branch Service that will be received by the user will be based on User’s latest data under the same identity in BTPN.
  7. Given instruction by User to the Bank is official as long as in accordance to the law, and by that Bank will execute the instruction with condition Bank will assess the given instruction is fair and clear, active balance on the account is adequate, and Bank will agree to execute the specific instruction, and by that every and all instruction which already executed by the Bank cannot be cancelled by User and bind to User. User is compulsory to fill the form completely and user will responsible for every loss that may appear from an incomplete form.
  8. Instruction that received by Bank will be used as the base by Bank to execute an instruction, and for that mutation document published by Bank will be recognized as a valid/official proof and bind to User that proofed that Bank already executes the transaction based on User’s instruction.
  9. If User or any other party instructed by the User commits every obligation, lawsuit, demands, claim, compensation, fees, fines and responsibility in any form from/to everybody including User according to Bank request to execute the instruction (including but not limited to any loss that may appear from mistakes, deliberate mistakes, or fraud from User or any other parties by the User’s request).Next User will agree that User’s expenses from instruction implementation by the Bank and by this User will relieve their rights which User may have to make lawsuit to the Bank in accordance to matters above. Everything related to the instruction implementation which can make a loss to User and/or any third parties will become User own responsibility and risk.
  10. Bank with their own consideration, with the announcement in 30 (thirty) working days at the latest, have the rights to:
  11. Limit, cancel or stop part of or all Off-Branch Services.
  12. Add, retract, or change current or future transaction type/shape within the services.
  13. User entitled to get Off-Branch Service as long as User still registered as Sinaya Prioritas User.
  14. Language

These Terms and Conditions are available in English, so English version is only a translation. If there are differences in interpretation between the Indonesian text and the English text, then the Indonesian text will apply and be legally binding.


  1. Applicable Law


  1. These Terms and Conditions are made and implemented based on the legal provisions and regulations in the Republic of Indonesia.
  2. Any dispute or difference of opinion arising from and/or relating to the implementation of these Terms and Conditions between the User and the Bank will be resolved by means of deliberation.
  3. Any dispute or difference of opinion that cannot be resolved through deliberation between the User and the Bank, will be resolved through an Lembaga Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa listed in the List of Lembaga Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa determined by Otoritas Jaksa Keuangan.
  4. Any dispute or difference of opinion that cannot be resolved either through deliberation, and/or mediation as referred to above, will be resolved through the South Jakarta District Court, without prejudice to the Bank’s right to file a lawsuit or claim through another District Court within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.


  1. Changes of Term and Condition
  2. User acknowledges, understands, and agrees that the Bank, from time to time, may revise and update these Sinaya Prioritas Service Terms and Conditions with written notification (via electronic or printed media) including changes to the terms, type and amount of fees, and/or matters others related to the implementation of Priority Sinaya Services. The Bank will provide the notification no later than 30 (thirty) working days before the change becomes effective, except to comply with applicable laws and regulations.
  3. Every change, improvement or addition to these Terms and Conditions is one entity and inseparable part of these Terms and Conditions.


This special Terms & Conditions for the Sinaya Prioritas Service is one entity and inseparable part of the Bank Customer Terms & Conditions and Jenius Terms & Conditions.

PT BANK BTPN Tbk is licensed and supervised by Otoritas Jaksa Keuangan (OJK), and is an LPS guarantee participant.

Product Name

Flexi Cash

Publisher Name

PT Bank BTPN Tbk.

Main Features

• Cash loan with limit up to IDR 200,000,000.

• Flexible choices of loan tenor from 1 to 60 months.

• Special interest rate for first disbursement of Flexi Cash.

• Cash loan is withdrawn in full amount (not deducted with fee).

• Flexible choices of disbursement amount.

• Withdrawals can be made multiple times according to the given limit.

• Customer as DEBTOR can see the installment simulation when making disbursement in the application.

• DEBTOR can make early payment for many times.

• Split Pay feature to convert historical transactions into Flexi Cash installments.


• Flexible funds that can be used for various needs.


• Credit history will be recorded in Sistem Layanan Informasi Keuangan (SLIK) if DEBTOR is overdue with the loan products at BANK, where the recorded credit history will refer to the worst overdue status if DEBTOR have several loan products at BANK.

• Late payment on Flexi Cash will make all of DEBTOR’s loan facilities in Jenius (Credit Card and Jenius Paylater) cannot be used for withdrawal or transaction.

• Late fee will be charged if customer is late in making loan payments.

• The closing of Flexi Cash facilities will result in DEBTOR not being able to apply for Flexi Cash in the future.

Requirements and procedures

• Requirements to apply for Flexi Cash are as follow:

– Indonesian Citizen (WNI)

– 21 to 60 years old

– Not included in the BANK’s Internal Blacklist.

– Not included in Sensitive Jobs List.

• Flexi Cash application, activation, disbursement and payment can be made through Jenius application.


• Late payment fee:

i. Fee for 1 day delay is IDR 50,000,-
ii. Fee of 30 days delay is IDR 75,000,-
iii. Fee for 60 days delay is IDR 150,000,-
iv. Fee for 90 days delay or more is IDR 175,000,-

• Early payment fee of IDR 100.000,-

Fees are subject to change at any time in accordance with the BANK’s policy, where such changes will be informed by the BANK no later than 30 (thirty) Working Days before the changes become effective.


• Flexi Cash loan simulation:



Total Payment




*The above interest calculation is using interest rate of 1.75%/month and tenor of 12 months as assumptions.


1. Flexi Cash is provided in accordance with terms and condition stated in Loan Agreement.

2. Withdrawal of Flexi Cash can be performed at once or gradually.

3. DEBTOR must provide fund in DEBTOR’S account for installment in accordance with the agreed schedule in Jenius app. Penalty fee shall be charged for late installment payment.

4. DEBTOR agrees and allows BANK to block or debit saving account, deposit account, such as Maxi Saver, Flexi Saver, and Dream Saver of DEBTOR for paying obligation of the DEBTOR to the BANK.

5. BANK is entitled to terminate Loan Agreement and ask for payment immediately and at once settled for the DEBTOR’s payable if the DEBTOR is not paying installment on time.

6. The information in this page is a mere summary, hence, DEBTOR must read and understand the whole terms in Loan Agreement.


This Loan Agreement is made and agreed by and between:

1. PT Bank BTPN Tbk, located in South Jakarta (hereinafter referred to as “BANK”).

2. CUSTOMER who resides as per the address registered to BANK, in this case on behalf of himself/herself (hereinafter referred to as “DEBTOR”).

that BANK and DEBTOR agree to create, implement, and adhere this Agreement with the terms and conditions stated below:



Every definition below has the following meaning and definitions:

1. Flexi Cash is loan facility provided by BANK to DEBTOR in the form of Flexi Cash Limit that can be withdrawn flexibly according to the needs and capabilities of the DEBTOR.

2. BANK is PT Bank BTPN Tbk, located in South Jakarta, including all the branches.

3. CUSTOMER is as referred in Terms and Conditions of Jenius Account.

4. Jenius is an electronic banking product/services issued by BANK as referred in Terms and Conditions of Jenius Account.

5. DEBTOR is a CUSTOMER who receives Flexi Cash from BANK as stated in Loan Agreement.

6. Loan Agreement is an agreement made between BANK and DEBTOR for the provided Flexi Cash.

7. Flexi Cash Limit is the amount of credit facility given by BANK for Flexi Cash product that include the changes from time to time.

8. Jenius Credit Card Limit is the amount of credit facility given by BANK for Jenius Credit Card product that include the changes from time to time.

9. DEBTOR Account is an account in the name of DEBTOR at the BANK.

10. Guarantor is the DEBTOR or other third party (if any) who binds theirself as guarantor of the DEBTOR’s debt by handing over the Warranties to the BANK.

11. Working Days is the day on which BANK operates and carries out clearing in accordance with regulatory provisions.


1. Flexi Cash Terms

a. BANK agrees to provide Flexi Cash to DEBTOR and DEBTOR agrees to receive Flexi Cash from BANK in accordance with terms and conditions stated in the Loan Agreement.

b. BANK and DEBTOR agree that based on BANK’s consideration and/or DEBTOR’s request, BANK can increase the amount of Flexi Cash loan facility to DEBTOR with terms and conditions: DEBTOR is not in default condition according to Loan Agreement and other agreements with BANK.

c. Flexi Cash Limit can be diverted into Jenius Credit Card Limit (and vice versa) via Jenius Application, by following the minimum limit criteria as determined by BANK for Flexi Cash and Jenius Credit Card.

d. BANK reserves the right to determine Flexi Cash Limit, and the right to change or cancel Flexi Cash Limit at any time based on BANK’s policy

e. Interest Rate and Penalty

i. DEBTOR shall pay to the BANK the amount of interest rate in accordance with the defined amount in Loan Agreement.

ii. DEBTOR shall be charged for fee as regulated in Flexi Cash and fee shall be paid immediately after the Loan Agreement is signed.

iii. For every late repayment or fail to repay a loan, interest rate, or other amount of fund that must be paid according to the Loan Agreement, hence (by not reducing the obligation of DEBTOR to continue to pay the amount of money that has been paid and the interest that is applicable at the time) DEBTOR shall pay penalty for the amount that is not or neglected to be paid to the BANK, as regulated in Loan Agreement.

f. The assessment of DEBTOR’s Flexi Cash asset quality shall follow the regulation defined by Bank Indonesia (BI) and/or Financial Services Authority (OJK) concerning the productive asset quality including but not limited to restructuring of DEBTOR’s Flexi Cash.

2. Flexi Cash Withdrawal

a. For the Flexi Cash that is paid through installment, the withdrawal of Flexi Cash provided by BANK to DEBTOR is disbursed at once and/or in phase in accordance with the terms and conditions stated in the Loan Agreement. By agreeing to this Loan Agreement, DEBTOR acknowledges that he/she receives the amount of Flexi Cash as per withdrawals performed by DEBTOR and Loan Agreement including media of withdrawal that functions as the receipt for DEBTOR for the amount of Flexi Cash.

b. DEBTOR agrees that media for withdrawal, bookkeeping, recording, letters and other documents, both in physical or electronic/digital documents held by the BANK are comprehensive and complete proofs of the whole amount of fund owed by DEBTOR to BANK according to the Loan Agreement and binding against the DEBTOR.

c. Flexi Cash is Uncommitted in nature, hence for the Flexi Cash that is not withdrawn, BANK still has the authority to delay or rearrange or reduce and revoke the Flexi Cash.

d. DEBTOR with existing Flexi Cash facilities may use the Split Pay feature to convert existing transactions into Flexi Cash installments.

3. Repayment

a. Flexi Cash payment, such as interest rate, principal, installment (interest and principal), and other amounts that is outstanding and compulsory to be paid by DEBTOR to BANK is performed according to the payment terms of interest, principle, installment (principal and interest) and/or other amounts payable and compulsory to be paid by DEBTOR to BANK for the Flexi Cash above, with the way of payment that is approved by BANK, in accordance with the obligation details that are stated in BANK record for the Flexi Cash that is received by the DEBTOR from BANK.

b. Repayment from DEBTOR for the Flexi Cash must be performed by DEBTOR to BANK with the details and schedule that is agreed by BANK and DEBTOR in Jenius app. Unless otherwise specified by BANK and previously informed to the DEBTOR, if the disbursal of Flexi Cash is gradually hence for the second disbursal and further shall follow the first disbursal of Flexi Cash. DEBTOR agrees that BANK can define the date of repayment that is not the same with the withdrawal of Flexi Cash. The information of repayment date of Flexi Cash shall be informed by BANK to DEBTOR through Jenius app or other communication media in accordance with BANK’s policy.

c. DEBTOR is allowed to do early repayment for the loan according to the Loan Agreement in accordance with the applicable policies of BANK.

d. DEBTOR must pay penalty to BANK in accordance to the terms mentioned in

4. BANK will report DEBTOR to the Financial Services Authority (OJK), through Financial Information Services System (SLIK) and to other authorized agencies, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


1. DEBTOR hereby grants power and authority to the Bank to credit the disbursed fund of the Flexi Cash to DEBTOR’s account.

2. DEBTOR agrees and hereby grants authority to the BANK to block the Account, deposit account, such as including Maxi Saver, Flexi Saver and Dream Saver of DEBTOR to BANK, if on the due date of DEBTOR’s obligation to pay to the BANK, as in details and schedule agreed by the BANK and DEBTOR in Jenius Application, the DEBTOR has not performed the payment. Account blocking shall be applied by the BANK until the fund in DEBTOR’s account is sufficient to repay the DEBTOR’s delayed obligation including the penalty and/or other payable fees.

3. DEBTOR agrees and hereby grants full power and authority to the BANK to debit the Account, deposit account, such as including Maxi Saver, Flexi Saver, and Dream Saver of DEBTOR for DEBTOR’s repayment including but not limited to payable interest rate, fee, and installment according to the Loan Agreement. DEBTOR agrees and grants authority to the BANK in any times set by the BANK (including if DEBTOR neglects the repayment as in the agreed details and schedule) to debit DEBTOR both in current account, savings account, checking account, or deposit account (hereafter DEBTOR also grants authority to the BANK to firstly disburse the deposit account on behalf of DEBTOR) to be used as repayment of the payable amount that must be paid by DEBTOR to the BANK according to the Loan Agreement.


DEBTOR represents and warrants the BANK that DEBTOR: i) is not stuck in a case or any dispute; ii) not in bankruptcy; iii) not in a default condition or is stated default by other third parties; iv) all loans or payable of DEBTOR to other lenders are performing (collectability 1 (one) according to the applicable regulation of Bank Indonesia and/or Financial Services Authority); and ensures that all statements and information submitted to the BANK are valid.


Unless otherwise specified by the BANK, commencing from the date of the Loan Agreement to the settlement of all liabilities owed by DEBTOR to the BANK under the Loan Agreement, hence DEBTOR bears the following obligations:

a. To use the Flexi Cash in accordance with the purpose of the use stated in the Loan Agreement;

b. To submit to the BANK, any time, either request or not, all the recent, correct, and valid documents and/or information/description/data comprehensively that represent the actual DEBTOR’s financial conditions and events that might affect DEBTOR’s financial conditions;

c. To submit the BANK all documents required in the Loan Agreement;

d. To pay taxes and other expenses stipulated by the government in accordance with the applicable regulations;

e. To submit written notification to the BANK of any change of address, data, and other important information at least 14 (fourteen) calendar days before the change of address or data is effective. If such change is not disclosed, any notice shall be deemed to have been duly sent to the last address recorded in the BANK.


DEBTOR is not entitled to calculate (set-off) with DEBTOR’s payable/receivable against the BANK (if any) and shall not demand any other payment (counter claim) and shall not be an excuse to not to pay or reclaim the BANK according to the Loan Agreement or any other agreements stated in the Loan Agreement. DEBTOR is not entitled for all benefits provided by the BANK if the DEBTOR is defaulted. DEBTOR hereby waives all of its rights as mentioned in article 1425 to 1429 of the Civil Code.


DEBTOR gives approval to the BANK to assign the entire or part of the right arising in relation with the granting of Credit Facilities in accordance with this Loan Agreement (including with each amendments) to other third parties. For such assignment, the BANK will notify DEBTOR. If the right assignment occurred, DEBTOR will receive the same benefits as those previously provided by the BANK based on the Loan Agreement and DEBTOR hereby agrees that the recipient of the right assignment will also receive the same benefits as those provided to the BANK based on the Loan Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, DEBTOR shall agree not to assign any or all of its rights and obligations in accordance with the Loan Agreement to other third parties without prior written consent from the BANK.


1. BANK has the immediate rights, without any further legal notice, to terminate this Loan Agreement and demand immediate payment as well as paid off by the outstanding amounts by DEBTOR, in accordance with this Loan Agreement, either related to principal, interest, provisions of the debts, and therefore the notification through bailiff letter or other letters with equal power shall no longer be required, in the case that the DEBTOR and/ or Guarantor: i) declared to be in bankruptcy by the District Court; ii) request to postpone debts payment due (surseance van betaling); iii) death; iv) Not paying the principal, interest, principal and interest (installment) at the predefined timing or failed/ not fulfilling their obligation in accordance with this Loan Agreement or any other agreement with the BANK; v) declared to be failed/ default or not fulfilling their obligations according to other agreements with other creditor/ third party; vi) being involved in a court case, either during the validity period of this Credit Facilities or at the time that the Credit Facilities due period has come.

2.In the event that the DEBTOR is late in making payments on one of the BANK lending facilities or products (Jenius Paylater, Flexi Cash, or Jenius Credit Card), all DEBTOR lending facilities will be unusable to withdraw funds or making transactions.

3. Any costs incurred due to the default of DEBTOR and/or the Guarantor, including any costs with respect to legal proceedings including billing, honorarium fees, attorney fees, bailiff fees, Court fees, taxes and others shall become the burden/ responsibility of the DEBTOR and/or Guarantor.

4. In the event that the DEBTOR does not fulfill his/her obligations, then the BANK has the right to carry out billing activities including but not limited to the following ways: i) by correspondence (either sent/delivered by the BANK itself or using a courier/delivery service); ii) directly meet with the DEBTOR at the address of the residence and/or business location and/or office and/or other places agreed with the DEBTOR; iii) through other communication media, such as through e-mail address, telephone/mobile numbers recorded by the BANK, other telephone numbers used by DEBTORS in the future, Jenius Application, Short Message Service (SMS), Whatsapp, facsimile, telex, or other media that are considered appropriate by the BANK.


All correspondence or notifications in relation to the implementation of this Loan Agreement shall be performed through Jenius Application, e-mail to DEBTOR or directly, Short Message Service (SMS), registered mail, facsimile, telex, using courier/delivery services to the addresses recorded in the BANK, or other media that are considered appropriate by the BANK.


1. DEBTOR and BANK hereby agree and align to amend the previous Loan Agreement (if any for the same credit facility) and apply all the provisions stipulated in this Loan Agreement.

2. DEBTOR herby declares to be subject to all applicable terms and regulations, including but not limited to applicable credit policies in the BANK.

3. All attachments, letters, documents or addendum/revised agreements of this Loan Agreement, either in the form of physical document or electronic/digital document, are an integral part of this Loan Agreement and therefore shall bind the BANK and DEBTOR.

4. The DEBTOR knows, understands and agrees that BANK from time to time according to BANK’s initiative can revise the terms of Flexi Cash and the terms in this Loan Agreement including the terms, type and amount of fees by providing written notification or announcement through the BANK’s communication channel at the latest 30 (thirty) working days before the change is effective on the date as stated by BANK, except in the case of following applicable law and regulations.

5. In the case where DEBTOR does not agree with the change, DEBTOR can submit the objection within 30 (thirty) working days to the BANK from the time the notification is sent and/or announced and can terminate/close Flexi Cash and the DEBTOR must previously settle the entire amount owed by DEBTOR to the BANK. The Flexi Cash closing can be submitted through Jenius Help 1500 365

6. If DEBTOR has been given 30 (thirty) working days before the change take effect and DEBTOR does not submit the confirmation or objection, the BANK considers DEBTOR agrees to the change.

7. BANK provides 2 (two) Working Days to DEBTOR starting from the first activation of Flexi Cash, to cancel the Loan Agreement. For the cancellation of Flexi Cash, the DEBTOR must pay all of the obligations including the interest. If DEBTOR does not pay all of the obligations during the 2 Working Days as stated above, then the request for cancellation of Flexi Cash cannot be processed. DEBTORS can request the cancellation of Flexi Cash by contacting Jenius Help 1500 365.

8. In the case of DEBTOR’s death, all debts and liabilities of DEBTOR arising based on the Loan Agreement shall become the debt and liabilities of the heir(s) of DEBTOR.

9. DEBTOR has read and understood all terms in the Loan Agreement, and DEBTOR has obtained clear and correct information regarding Credit Facilities provided by the BANK to DEBTOR.

10. Each and all powers of attorney granted by DEBTOR to the BANK in accordance with this Loan Agreement constitute important, which without such powers of attorney, this Loan Agreement will not be entered into and thus such powers of attorney are irrevocable or cannot be terminated by the reasons provided in Article 1813, 1814 and 1816 of the Civil Code.

11. This Loan Agreement is subject to and is an integral part of General Terms and Conditions Jenius and terms and conditions of account opening at the BANK.

12. Regarding termination of the Loan Agreement, DEBTOR and BANK hereby waive the provisions of Article 1266 and Article 1267 of the Civil Code.

13. In the case that there is any of the provisions in this Loan Agreement which due to government of court decision is prohibited or cannot be executed or becomes not applicable or is declared null and void, this shall not affect the validity of other provisions in this Loan Agreement, and other such provisions shall remain valid and binding, as well as enforceable as defined in this Loan Agreement, DEBTOR shall be obliged to enter into and sign document containing provision that comply with BANK requirements as the replacement of the prohibited or non-executable provisions, as requested by the BANK.

14. Not using or delaying in exercising a right, power of attorney or preferential right by the BANK does not imply that the BANK releases its rights or proxy or privileges, unless such right proxy or privileges is released in written by the BANK. The use of partial rights, proxy, or privileges shall not prevent the BANK from continuing or repeating the exercise of such rights or proxy or privileges. Rights and initiatives provided to the BANK in this Loan Agreement are cumulative and shall not diminish other rights and measures granted under the law.

15. In the event of occurrence or arising of default/ violation, then an action carried out or not carried out by the BANK or delay in conducting a right, authority or claim does not undermine the rights, authority or claim and also cannot be interpreted that the BANK waives the right, authority, or claim or justify any default or violation by the DEBTOR.

16. This Loan Agreement is signed in Indonesian and English. If there are differences in the interpretation between the Indonesian and English version of this Loan Agreement, the Indonesian version will prevail and legally binding.

17. This agreement has been aligned with the provisions of laws and regulations, including the provisions of Financial Authority Services (OJK) Regulation and Central Bank of Indonesia.

18. This Loan Agreement and all documents related thereto and arising from including but not limited to the Loan Agreement, shall subject to the Laws of Republic of Indonesia.

19. DEBTOR agrees that any dispute or difference of opinion arising from and/or relating to the implementation of this Loan Agreement between DEBTOR and the BANK will be resolved by means of deliberation. 

Any dispute or difference of opinion that cannot be resolved amicably by DEBTOR and the BANK, will be resolved through Alternative Dispute Resolution Institutions listed in the List of Alternative Dispute Resolution Institutions determined by the Financial Services Authority.
Any dispute or difference of opinion that cannot be resolved either through deliberation, and/or mediation as referred to above, will be resolved through the South Jakarta District Court, without prejudice to the BANK’s right to file a lawsuit or claim through another District Court in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

20. This Loan Agreement has been sealed with a stamp duty paid in full in in accordance with the regulations in force to the applicable regulation.

Version 4.0
Last Updated: 29 December 2023

Product Name

Jenius Paylater

Publisher Name

PT Bank BTPN Tbk.

Main Features

• Paylater credit facility with limit up to IDR 2.000.000.

• Valid for transactions at QRIS merchants using Jenius QR.

• Daily transactions will be collected in one bill and will be be paid in the following month.

• Convenient transactions through several accesses such as QRIS shortcut on PIN page and QRIS scan menu on Home page in Jenius app.

• The service fee is only charged in the month the DEBTOR makes a Jenius Paylater transaction.


• As source of fund to make transactions at QRIS merchants, both directly (offline) and without face-to-face.


• Credit history will be recorded in Sistem Layanan Informasi Keuangan (SLIK) if DEBTOR is overdue with the loan products at BANK, where the recorded credit history will refer to the worst overdue status if DEBTOR have several loan products at BANK.

• Late payment on Jenius Paylater will make all of DEBTOR’s credit facilities in Jenius (Flexi Cash and Credit Card) cannot be used for disbursement or transaction.

• Late fee will be charged if DEBTOR is late in making bill payments.

Requirements and procedures

• Currently, Jenius Paylater is only available for selected active Jenius users who meet the following criterias:

– Indonesian Citizen (WNI)

– 21 to 60 years old 

– Not included in the BANK’s Internal Blacklist.

– Not included in Sensitive Jobs List.

• The payment of Jenius Paylater can be made through Jenius application.


• Jenius Paylater service fee IDR15,000/month, applicable in the month of usage.

• Late payment fee of   IDR1,000/day (maximum IDR30,000).

Fees are subject to change at any time in accordance with the BANK’s policy, where such changes will be informed by the BANK no later than 30 (thirty) Working Days before the changes become effective.


• Jenius Paylater transaction and payment simulation:


(Paylater transaction amount)

Service Fee

(Applicable in the month of Paylater usage)

Total Payment





1. Loan facility is provided in accordance with terms and condition stated in Loan Agreement.

2. The use of loan facilities can be withdrawn at once or partially.

3. DEBTOR is obligated to pay the bill in accordance with the agreed schedule in Jenius app. Penalty fee shall be charged for late payment.

4. DEBTOR agrees and authorizes BANK to block or debit saving account, deposit account, including Maxi Saver, Flexi Saver, and Dream Saver of DEBTOR until payment of the DEBTOR’s obligations to the BANK is received by the BANK.

5. BANK is entitled to terminate Loan Agreement and ask for payment immediately and at once settled for the DEBTOR’s debts, if the DEBTOR is not paying bill on time.

6. The information in this page is a mere summary, hence, DEBTOR must read and understand the whole terms in Loan Agreement.


This Loan Agreement (hereinafter referred to as Agreement) is made and agreed by and between:

1. PT Bank BTPN Tbk, located in South Jakarta (hereinafter referred to as “BANK”).

2. CUSTOMER who resides as per the address registered to BANK, in this case on behalf of himself/herself (hereinafter referred to as “DEBTOR”).

that BANK and DEBTOR agree to create, implement, and adhere this Agreement with the terms and conditions stated below:



Every definition below, unless expressly provided otherwise in each Loan Agreement, has the following meaning and definitions:

1. BANK is PT Bank BTPN Tbk, located in South Jakarta, including all the branches.

2. CUSTOMER is as referred in Terms and Conditions of Jenius Account.

3. Jenius is an electronic banking product/services issued by BANK as referred in Terms and Conditions of Jenius Account.

4. DEBTOR is a CUSTOMER who receives Loan Facility from BANK as stated in Loan Agreement.

5. Loan Facility is a fund loan facility with bill that bears obligation for DEBTOR to pay to BANK with the details and schedule based on Loan Agreement.

6. Loan Agreement is an agreement made between BANK and DEBTOR for the credit facility provided.

7. Limit is the amount of credit facility given by BANK to DEBTOR that include the changes from time to time.

8. Jenius Paylater is a Loan Facility provided by BANK to DEBTOR which allows the DEBTOR to make purchases and settle them in the following month.

9. DEBTOR Account is an account in the name of DEBTOR at the BANK.

10. Guarantor is the DEBTOR or other third party (if any) who binds theirself as guarantor of the DEBTOR’s debt by handing over the Warranties to the BANK.

11. Working Days is the day on which BANK operates and carries out clearing in accordance with regulatory provisions.


1. Loan Facility Terms

a. BANK agrees to provide loan facility to DEBTOR and DEBTOR agrees to receive Loan Facility from BANK in accordance with terms and conditions stated in the Loan Agreement.

b. BANK and DEBTOR agree that based on BANK’s consideration and/or DEBTOR’s request, BANK can increase the amount of Loan Facility to DEBTOR with terms and conditions: DEBTOR is not in default condition according to The Loan Agreement and other agreements with BANK and/or third parties.

c. The increase of amount of Loan Facility shall be regulated separately in addendum/agreement of the Loan Facility that is an integral and inseparable part of Loan Facility.

d. BANK reserves the right to determine Limit, and the right to change or cancel Limit at any time based on BANK’s policy,

e. Service Fee and Penalty

i. DEBTOR shall pay to the BANK the amount of service fee in accordance with the defined amount in Loan Agreement.

ii. For every late repayment or fail to repay a loan, service fee, or other amount of fund that must be paid according to the Loan Agreement, hence (by not reducing the obligation of DEBTOR to continue to pay the amount of money that has been paid and the fee that is applicable at the time) DEBTOR shall pay penalty for the amount and/or period of delay or failure of such payment to the BANK, as regulated in Loan Agreement.

f. The assessment of DEBTOR’s Loan Facility asset quality shall follow the regulation defined by Bank Indonesia (BI) and/or Financial Services Authority (OJK) concerning the productive asset quality including but not limited to restructuring of DEBTOR’s Loan Facility.

2. Loan Facility Withdrawal

a. The withdrawal of Loan Facility provided by BANK to DEBTOR is used at once and/or in partial in accordance with the terms and conditions stated in the Loan Agreement. By agreeing to this Loan Agreement, DEBTOR acknowledges that he/she receives the amount of Loan Facility as per usage performed by DEBTOR and Loan Agreement including media of usage that functions as the receipt for DEBTOR for the amount of the Loan Facility.

b. DEBTOR agrees that media for withdrawal, booking, records, letters and other documents, both in physical or electronic/digital documents held by the BANK are comprehensive and complete evidence of all amount owed by DEBTOR to BANK according to the Loan Agreement and binding against the DEBTOR.

c. Loan Facility is Uncommitted in nature, hence for the Loan Facility that is not used, BANK still has the authority to delay or rearrange or reduce and revoke the Loan Facility.

3. Repayment

a. Loan Facility payment, such as service fee, principal, bill (service fee and principal), and other amounts that is outstanding and compulsory to be paid by DEBTOR to BANK is performed according to the payment terms of service fee, principle and/or other amounts payable and compulsory to be paid by DEBTOR to BANK for the Loan Facility above, with the way of payment that is approved by BANK, in accordance with the obligation details that are stated in BANK record for the Loan Facility that is received by the DEBTOR from BANK.

b. Repayment from DEBTOR for the Loan Facility must be performed by DEBTOR to BANK with the details and schedule that is agreed by BANK and DEBTOR in Jenius app. Unless otherwise specified by BANK and previously informed to the DEBTOR, all use of Loan Facility, whether used in stages or all at once, must be paid in full according to the date determined by BANK. The information of repayment date of Loan facility shall be informed by BANK to DEBTOR through Jenius app or other communication media in accordance with BANK’s policy.

c. The DEBTOR is obliged to make repayments at any time as long as it is within payment period according to the policies of BANK.

d. DEBTOR must pay service fee and penalty to BANK in accordance to the terms mentioned in

4. BANK will report DEBTOR to the Financial Services Authority (OJK), through Financial Information Services System (SLIK) and to other government agencies, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


1. DEBTOR hereby grants power and authority to the Bank to credit the used fund of the Loan Facility to DEBTOR’s account if there is refund transaction made for transaction failure by the merchant, BANK, or any other reasons.

2. DEBTOR agrees and hereby grants authority to the BANK to block the deposit account, such as including Maxi Saver, Flexi Saver and Dream Saver of DEBTOR to BANK, if on the due date of DEBTOR’s obligation to pay to the BANK, as in details and schedule agreed by the BANK and DEBTOR in Jenius Application, the DEBTOR has not performed the payment. Account blocking shall be applied by the BANK until DEBTOR pays the delayed obligation including the penalty and/or other payable fees.

3. DEBTOR agrees and hereby grants full power and authority to the BANK to debit the Account, deposit account, such as including Maxi Saver, Flexi Saver, and Dream Saver of DEBTOR for DEBTOR’s repayment including but not limited to payable service and late fees according to the Loan Agreement. DEBTOR agrees and grants authority to the BANK in any times set by the BANK if DEBTOR neglects the repayment as in the agreed details and schedule to debit DEBTOR both in current account, savings account, checking account, or deposit account (hereafter DEBTOR also grants authority to the BANK to firstly disburse the deposit account on behalf of DEBTOR) to be used as repayment of the payable amount that must be paid by DEBTOR to the BANK according to the Loan Agreement.


DEBTOR represents and warrants the BANK that DEBTOR: i) is not stuck in a case or any dispute; ii) not in bankruptcy; iii) not in a default condition or is stated default by other third parties; iv) all loans or payable of DEBTOR to other lenders are performing (collectability 1 (one) according to the applicable regulation of Bank Indonesia and/or Financial Services Authority); and ensures that all statements and information submitted to the BANK are valid.


Unless otherwise specified by the BANK, commencing from the date of the Loan Agreement to the settlement of all liabilities owed by DEBTOR to the BANK under the Loan Agreement, hence DEBTOR bears the following obligations:

a. To use the Loan Facility in accordance with the purpose of the use stated in the Loan Agreement;

b. To submit to the BANK, any time, either request or not, all the recent, correct, and valid documents and/or information/description/data comprehensively that represent the actual DEBTOR’s financial conditions and events that might affect DEBTOR’s financial conditions;

c. To submit the BANK all documents required in the Loan Agreement;

d. To pay taxes and other expenses stipulated by the government in accordance with the applicable regulations;

e. Submitted written notification to the BANK of any change of address, data, and other important information at least 14 (fourteen) calendar days before the change of address or data is effective. If such change is not disclosed, any notice shall be deemed to have been duly sent to the last address recorded in the BANK.


DEBTOR is not entitled to calculate (set-off) with DEBTOR’s payable/receivable against the BANK (if any) and shall not demand any other payment (counter claim) and shall not be an excuse to not to pay or reclaim the BANK according to the Loan Agreement or any other agreements stated in the Loan Agreement. DEBTOR is not entitled for all benefits provided by the BANK if the DEBTOR is defaulted. DEBTOR hereby waives all of its rights as mentioned in article 1425 to 1429 of the Civil Code.


DEBTOR gives approval to the BANK to assign the entire or part of the right arising in relation with the granting of Credit Facilities in accordance with this Loan Agreement (including with each amendments) to other third parties. For such assignment, the BANK will notify DEBTOR. If the right assignment occurred, DEBTOR will receive the same benefits as those previously provided by the BANK based on the Loan Agreement and DEBTOR hereby agrees that the recipient of the right assignment will also receive the same benefits as those provided to the BANK based on the Loan Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, DEBTOR shall agree not to assign any or all of its rights and obligations in accordance with the Loan Agreement to other third parties without prior written consent from the BANK.


1. BANK has the immediate rights, without any further legal notice, to terminate this Loan Agreement and demand immediate payment as well as paid off by the outstanding amounts by DEBTOR, in accordance with this Loan Agreement, either related to principal, fees of the debts, and therefore the notification through bailiff letter or other letters with equal power shall no longer be required, in the case that the DEBTOR and/ or Guarantor: i) declared to be in bankruptcy by the District Court; ii) request to postpone debts payment due (surseance van betaling); iii) death; iv) Not paying the principal and fees at the predefined timing or failed/ not fulfilling their obligation in accordance with this Loan Agreement or any other agreement with the BANK; v) declared to be failed/ default or not fulfilling their obligations according to other agreements with other creditor/ third party; vi) being involved in a court case, either during the validity period of this Credit Facilities or at the time that the Credit Facilities due period has come.

2. In the event that the DEBTOR is late in making payments on one of the BANK credit facilities or products (Jenius Paylater, Flexi Cash, or Jenius Credit Card), all DEBTOR credit facilities will be unusable to withdraw funds or making transactions.

3. Any costs incurred due to the default of DEBTOR and/or the Guarantor, including any costs with respect to legal proceedings including billing, honorarium fees, attorney fees, bailiff fees, Court fees, taxes and others shall become the burden/ responsibility of the DEBTOR and/or Guarantor.

4. In the event that the DEBTOR does not fulfill his/her obligations, then the BANK has the right to carry out billing activities including but not limited to the following ways: i) by correspondence (either sent/delivered by the BANK itself or using a courier/delivery service); ii) directly meet with the DEBTOR at the address of the residence and/or business location and/or office and/or other places agreed with the DEBTOR; iii) through other communication media, such as through e-mail address, telephone/mobile numbers recorded by the BANK, other telephone numbers used by DEBTORS in the future, Jenius Application, Short Message Service (SMS), Whatsapp, facsimile, telex, or other media that are considered appropriate by the BANK.


All correspondence or notifications in relation to the implementation of this Loan Agreement shall be performed through Jenius Application, e-mail to DEBTOR or directly, Short Message Service (SMS), registered mail, facsimile, telex, using courier/delivery services to the addresses recorded in the BANK, or other media that are considered appropriate by the BANK.


1. DEBTOR and BANK hereby agree and align to amend the previous Loan Agreement (if any for the same credit facility) and apply all the provisions stipulated in this Loan Agreement.

2. DEBTOR herby declares to be subject to all applicable terms and regulations, including but not limited to applicable credit policies in the BANK.

3. All attachments, letters, documents or addendum/revised agreements of this Loan Agreement, either in the form of physical document or electronic/digital document, are an integral part of this Loan Agreement and therefore shall bind the BANK and DEBTOR.

4. The DEBTOR knows, understands and agrees that BANK from time to time according to BANK’s initiative can revise the terms of Jenius Paylater and the terms in Loan Agreement including the terms, type and amount of fees by providing written notification or announcement through the BANK’s communication channel at the latest 30 (thirty) working days before the change is effective on the date as stated by BANK, except in the case of following applicable law and regulations.

5. In the case where DEBTOR does not agree with the change, DEBTOR can submit the objection to the BANK and can terminate/close Jenius Paylater and the DEBTOR must previously settle the entire amount owed by DEBTOR to the BANK. The Jenius Paylater closing can be submitted through Jenius Help 1500 365.

6. If DEBTOR has been given 30 (thirty) working days before the change take effect and DEBTOR does not submit the confirmation or objection, the BANK considers DEBTOR agrees to the change.

7. In the case of DEBTOR’s death, all debts and liabilities of DEBTOR arising based on the Loan Agreement shall become the debt and liabilities of the heir(s) of DEBTOR.

8. DEBTOR has read and understood all terms in the Loan Agreement, and DEBTOR has obtained clear and correct information regarding Credit Facilities provided by the BANK to DEBTOR.

9. Each and all powers of attorney granted by DEBTOR to the BANK in accordance with this Loan Agreement constitute important, which without such powers of attorney, this Loan Agreement will not be entered into and thus such powers of attorney are irrevocable or cannot be terminated by the reasons provided in Article 1813, 1814 and 1816 of the Civil Code.

10. This agreement is subject to and is an integral part of General Terms and Conditions Jenius.

11. Regarding termination of the Loan Agreement, DEBTOR and BANK hereby waive the provisions of Article 1266 and Article 1267 of the Civil Code.

12. In the case that there is any of the provisions in this Loan Agreement which due to government of court decision is prohibited or cannot be executed or becomes not applicable or is declared null and void, this shall not affect the validity of other provisions in this Loan Agreement, and other such provisions shall remain valid and binding, as well as enforceable as defined in this Loan Agreement, DEBTOR shall be obliged to enter into and sign document containing provision that comply with BANK requirements as the replacement of the prohibited or non-executable provisions, as requested by the BANK.

13. Not using or delaying in exercising a right, power of attorney or preferential right by the BANK does not imply that the BANK releases its rights or proxy or privileges, unless such right proxy or privileges is released in written by the BANK. The use of partial rights, proxy, or privileges shall not prevent the BANK from continuing or repeating the exercise of such rights or proxy or privileges. Rights and initiatives provided to the BANK in this Loan Agreement are cumulative and shall not diminish other rights and measures granted under the law.

14. In the event of occurrence or arising of default/ violation, then an action carried out or not carried out by the BANK or delay in conducting a right, authority or claim does not undermine the rights, authority or claim and also cannot be interpreted that the BANK waives the right, authority, or claim or justify any default or violation by the DEBTOR.

15. This Loan Agreement is signed in Indonesian and English. If there are differences in the interpretation between the Indonesian and English version of this Loan Agreement, the Indonesian version will prevail and legally binding.

16. This agreement has been aligned with the provisions of laws and regulations, including the provisions of Financial Authority Services (OJK) Regulation and Central Bank of Indonesia.

17. This Loan Agreement and all documents related thereto and arising from including but not limited to the Loan Agreement, shall subject to the Laws of Republic of Indonesia.

18. DEBTOR agrees that any dispute or difference of opinion arising from and/or relating to the implementation of this Loan Agreement between DEBTOR and the BANK will be resolved by means of deliberation.

Any dispute or difference of opinion that cannot be resolved amicably by DEBTOR and the BANK, will be resolved through Alternative Dispute Resolution Institutions listed in the List of Alternative Dispute Resolution Institutions determined by the Financial Services Authority.
Any dispute or difference of opinion that cannot be resolved either through deliberation, and/or mediation as referred to above, will be resolved through the South Jakarta District Court, without prejudice to the BANK’s right to file a lawsuit or claim through another District Court in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

19. This Loan Agreement has been sealed with stamp duty paid in full in according to the applicable regulation.

Version 2.0
Last Updated: 29 December 2023